chapter 5: Guilt

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I parked the bike, Kiara and Sarah sitting on the hammock.

I walked towards them. "Well look who showed up" Kiara says. I sighed. "Listen I'm sorry guys, I just...I didn't wanna leave" I say. "Y/N, it's alright. But I what I really wanna know is if your lips alright" Sarah says. I touched my lip, remembering what JJ did. "Yeah it was bleeding yesterday but I'm fine now" I say.

They chuckled. "JJ feels real bad. He's inside you should talk to him" Kiara says. "I will"

"Well, did you and my brother do it" Sarah smirked. "What ew, no" I say in defense. "Well did you sleep with him?" Kie asks. "Nope. I slept in Sarah's room, and Sarah I cleaned your messy room by the way" I say. "Well thank you" she sarcastically says.

I smirked, walking off inside.

I saw Pope and JJ sitting on the couch, Pope on his phone.

They both look up at me. "Y/N!" Pope says, getting up and hugging me. I hugged him back. "I thought you died staying with Rafe" he says. I laughed. "I'm fine" I chuckled.

We pull apart. He looked between me and JJ. "I'm gonna let you two be" he says, heading outside. Once he left, I looked at JJ. He stood up, hugging me. I slowly hugged him back. "Y/N, forgive me I'm really sorry for last night I just wanted you to have a fun night. Rafe was making it so hard he was saying shit about you and it made me upset" he says, I pulled apart from the hug.

"What was he saying?" I asked. He sat down, as I sat next to him. "Well, I was on my way to go talk to you, until him and his kook friends grab me asking me why I was dancing with you. I knew they where gonna try something so I started to be a smart ass with them and ran, they ran to me inside into the boys changing rooms. Some guy walked in trying to kick me out, then Rafe says you looked pretty hot for a Pouge about you, I lost it, I was gonna punch him but then got fully escorted out, that's when you saw us outside and that all happened" he explained.

I was trying to process all that he just told me, JJ isn't really good at explaining things to be honest.

"Wait so, he was trying to get at you for dancing with me?" I asked. He nodded. I threw my head back. "This can't keep happening. He's to overprotective" I say. "I agree"

I mean, it made me a bit happy how over protective they both where over me, but this fighting over me isn't gonna happen. I see JJ has a brother, nothing else and how am I supposed to break that down for him.

"JJ, look. I know you've liked me since we've met, and I know I've rejected you since. But nothings gonna change that. Jayj, I see you as a brother... nothing else. I don't want our friendship to get ruined because of feelings. I've known you almost forever and I don't want that to change for us or the group" I said, I looked at him, instantly I felt guilty. I had to say it.

I kissed his cheek. "I love you JJ, and I hope you understand" I say. I stood up, going straight to my room. I didn't wanna hear what he had to say because I knew it would hurt me. After I said that, his face was hurt, like he wanted to cry. Now all I feel is Guilt.

I laid on my bed with the door shut.


After she left, she just left me there. Left me there thinking. After I just poured out how I felt about her. All I ever wanted was her. She couldn't even tell me how she felt. I got angry, I got real mad.

I balled my fist, hitting the wall, leaving a hole.

I was fucking pissed.

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