Hidden Mirrors

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There's an idea

That writers are tortured people
That they live and breath for their next great set of words to hit the page

And if you look at all the great ones
They do write tragic stories

Maybe we want that despair, that hardness,
that truth we miss from living common lives

So we look to them

All the whistle they course fingers over fresh ink
Always dissatisfied
Always knowing they can do better

But  we love them for it

And sometimes
Masterpieces take time to appreciate
Sometimes you need to look past the tortured author's descriptions
To find what you're looking for

That's what the great ones do
They make themselves feel it before handing you the paper
The agony of their characters
The hopelessness

So that when we finally do read their stories
Flipping pages till our eyes water

We can look behind the curtain of ink
And finally realize
It isn't the tragedy these writers create
That we yearn to find in their words

𝐇𝐨𝐥𝐥o𝐰  𝐚𝐧𝐝  𝐁𝐫a𝐯𝐞Where stories live. Discover now