After the Tournament

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Harry's POV
After the third and finale task He was exhausted but all he wanted was to check on Cedric but he didn't have access to the hufflepuff common room he sighs and walks to the Gryffindor common room and walked to his dorm and put his glasses on the nightstand flops onto his Bed he fell asleep peacefully but it didn't last long he tossed and turned he was having a voldemort dream but not only that in the dream it made him relive his parents death and made him relive hermione's torture her screams and cries her begs and her telling bellatrix she didn't take anything he began to sweat and showed no signs of escaping any of it
Cedric's POV
His harry sense was tingling so he walked out of the hufflepuff common room and waited for the stairs to sort themselves out and walked upstairs to the gryffindor tower the portrait just swung open for him at this point the lady was used to seeing him considering the Amount of times he and harry were "sneaking around if you know what they mean" he and harry weren't exactly subtle about their crushes the portrait could see it but their friends believed the whole "we were studying" excuse which made the lady roll her eyes at how oblivious their friends were anyway he walked in quietly as everyone else was away doing their own stuff he walked to the boys dorm where it was just Harry he was tossing and turning he walked over to Harry's bed he felt his heart break at the state Harry was in he carefully got on Harry's bed and stroked Harry's soft raven hair he didn't care about anything else he didn't care how sweaty Harry's hair was he stroked Harry's hair "shshshshsh I'm here it's just a dream" Cedric said soothingly
Harry's POV
He suddenly stopped tossing and turning and sweating he felt someone stroke his hair and talk to him soothingly but he was to exhausted to make out the voice or the person that was stroking his hair so he was once again sleeping peacefully the person got off the bed but he was still sleeping peacefully
Cedric's POV
He got off the bed being careful not to wake harry up he was so cute when he slept he mentally cringed at himself because of how creepy that sounded he peaked out of the Gryffindor common room and walked out as the coast was clear he waited for the stairs to go back down to his common room he said the password And walked inside to his dorm he washed his hands and dried them and sat on his bed he was then left alone with his thoughts and his weird feelings

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