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Alright! So this is my first fanfic I will try not to make any mistakes, but I am human and am perfectly imperfect and proud of it. I don't wanna bore you so let's get on with it.

. . . Marinette POV . . .

I don't really sleep anymore. Whenever I try to sleep, I can't right away. Ya know. I don't just go out like a light bulb, okay. My mind starts to twirl and whirl. I can't stand it, the thoughts and memories, I can't take it. Yeah, Nettie the only thing I can't take is my mind. I got to keep it busy. From what you might ask. Well let me give you a recap,

When I was 13 I got my miraculous, I was just thrown into the role of being a hero. It was a crushing weight added to my shoulders. Everything is my responsibility now. Everyone's lives are in my hands. The Akuma's just getting worse and worse. Then, I became guardian as if the weight of just being a hero wasn't enough, added to it was the rest of the miraculous. Once Hawkmoth is finally gone, I'm still in charge of the tiny gods. I will forever have to keep the world in balance, Tikki revealed that bit of information once while she was half asleep.

Shortly after I became guardian, Lila came back to school. She created more elaborate plans to cast me in a bad light, they distanced themselves, then started yelling at me whenever Lila said I did something. I was done with Adrien's stupid advice, but it was already to late no would listen to me now. Chloe apologized to me and we became friends for about a month before she was sent to a boarding school in England. I didn't tell Luka and Kagami what was happening, it was my problem, not theirs. I let them leave Paris, at least they get to leave this place. World tours for fencing tournaments and music concerts. I'm so proud of them, but now I'm all alone. Unless I want to count the 17 miniature gods. I'm still missing Nuru and Duusu. I took Plagg back when I was 16. Chat was only showing up to flirt with me, and Plagg just told me to take it, because he didn't like the direction his cat was heading.

So I can't afford to let my mind wander around these things, so here it is almost two in the morning. I'm sitting here, working on a commission. Yeah, I'm also Nettie the fashion designer, Jagged Stone's honorary niece. Not that anyone knows, and honestly I like it that way.

. . .

What is pulling my hair? I felt like I just blinked, but maybe not? It was Tikki waking me up for my day in hell. 'I mean at least I slept a little bit. Gotta try and be positive outside of school at least, right? Why do I do this to myself? At least I'm trying though. That has to be what counts. After all, no one can afford for me to break.' It is currently 6:34 in the morning and this was the best pep talk I could give myself while I showered.

Hmmm, what to wear to hell today. Nothing I care about unless I want it ruined so I chose a black hoodie I bleached in a tie-dye pattern on, and a pair of blue Jeans with black combat boots. I also learned it is best to have my hair in a braid or a bun otherwise my classmates will stick something in it for example gum but since then I have always put it up. You may be wondering what Miss B does? (Too lazy to use her full name also feel like she doesn't deserve it) She refused to let me back down as class president and gave me most of her work, telling me that I should set a good example.




678 words






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