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11. Almost Daddy

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Days go by and I'm still clueless about what to do with Chloe and her undisclosed father. I told Sandy about my discovery during our visit to her beach house two weekends ago. She was as dumbfounded as I was, but Sandy was Sandy. She quickly got back to her rational mind. 

"Talk to him, tell him whatever it is. It's nothing like eight years ago when you were a scared kitten, looking for support from someone who knocked you up," she said. "You will just offer him the fact that Chloe is his child. He doesn't have to be involved with his daughter's life. He doesn't even have to worry about child support because look at you, you're doing just fine raising her alone. The bottom line is, you don't keep this important fact from him."

We had moved Chloe to the guest room so that Sandy and I could catch up in the living room without having to whisper all the time. "But he's my big big boss. Don't you think it will be super awkward?"

"I bet."

"Maybe I should search for another job before dropping the bomb. Because if things get weird, or even worse, he denies Chloe and creates a drama out of it, my career is on the line."

"Do you think he will deny Chloe?"

"I don't know, Sand." I sighed. "He doesn't want kids, let alone a daughter. He might not take this news well, or get panicked, or whatever. I really don't know how he will react to this. So, having another job for a backup if things get ugly sounds reasonable at the moment."

Sandy never said she agreed or disagreed with my idea, but knowing me, she understood why I wanted to deal with this at my own pace. I know I've improved a lot in these past years, but I'm still that girl who jumps from one impulsive decision to another impulsive one. Thus, I've decided to wait until I'm done with the temporary position. Not seeing him on a daily basis will probably help me think more clearly.

And the big day has arrived; today is my last day working on the executive floor.

The new guy, Andy, has finished his speedy employment training and starts his journey as Ashton Knight's assistant. Andy is around my age and looks enthusiastic about his new job, and I will not, at any cost, crush his spirit on his first day.

"Glad you made it to this floor today," greets Mr. Knight when he's back from a business event. "I'm sure Ms. Garnett has explained how things work in general. Feel free to ask me if you have further questions. And" —he shifts his gaze to me— "I've got something for you."

I raise my eyebrows, intrigued by his sudden friendliness. Something doesn't feel right. "Oh?"

After rummaging through the business event bag he's been carrying, he takes a galileo doll out and puts it on the assistant desk, next to the computer. "Well, it's more for Chloe. I heard she's into the solar system. The event was all about it and I thought she would love to have one." Seeing me speechless and gaping at him, he continues, "And it's also a part of my apology for making her mom stay later at work in these past few weeks."

"Oh, wow," I gasp when I can find my voice again. "She will definitely love this. She adores him. Thank you so much, sir." I beam at him. I have no idea he paid attention to my random chatter about Chloe lately, and the fact that he did makes me feel somehow happy. 

He nods and looks back at Andy. "I will be in my room for the rest of the day. I believe it's going to be an easy day for all of us. While Ms. Garnett begins packing up, you can start digging into your work." With that, he strides away and disappears behind his door.

"Wow!" Andy blinks as he brushes back his jet-black hair, his dark eyes shining in amazement. "We're so lucky to have a charismatic, generous, and thoughtful boss!"

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