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Rosalie Hale was simply hunting when she caught the smell of human blood and a baby crying.

"Rosie..." Emmett, her mate, spoke as he noticed her tensed body. Emmett heard the cry and human blood.

They didn't know what to do or Emmett didn't know what to do, Rosalie did.

She dropped her prey and run like the wind, following the scent of blood and a baby crying to wherever it was. She could hear the baby and as she drew closer, it got louder and there was a faint heartbeat.

Rosalie arrived in what seemed to be a clearing, her eyes wandered the clearing before she saw the movement, under an oak tree in the middle of the clearing, a baby was crying. In the blink of an eye, she appeared under the oak tree and standing above the sight of a boy around the age of 14 or 15, holding a crying baby, whispering softly to the baby with a hoarse voice. Rosalie can smell blood from the boy but he also smelt like a mother would.

"Let me help you." She spoke, she didn't think as the boy looked up at with dull green eyes, he stared at her for awhile before he spoke, "Take my baby, please...they'll get me." He pleaded, he was pleading.

The baby in his arms cried and he began to tear up, the boy panicked and tried to calm him down, he was too tired.

Rosalie stared at them both and noticed it, the baby looked too young, a newborn baby. 

Emmett appeared behind her and she spoke, "Carry them both, we need to get them to Carlisle." Emmett didn't question it, despite the boy pleading to leave him be and take the child, Emmett took the boy in his arms while Rosalie carried the baby in her own, she made sure to keep him warm in the blankets which looked like robes, she then noticed a strange stick on the forest floor, she picked it up as she had a feeling.

Emmett and her left the clearing with the boy and the baby.

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