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Lana Del Rey | Cinnamon girl

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Lana Del Rey | Cinnamon girl

     I flew up in shock, my eyes wet and sore. Instant images of what happened the previous night flashed through my mind. I'm in bed? I looked around it was kind of dark, wait am I on a fucking plane! I opened the window next the bed, and indeed I was. I've been kidnapped.

     Tears began to fall without my permission, my heart was damn near thumping out my chest. I'm whispering to myself to calm myself down, but the tears won't stop falling. I went into the conjoined bathroom, for a plane it was a nice size, not the point Amina.

     I stared at my reflection in the mirror and boy was I a sight to see, and not the good kind. My eyes were swollen, ugh my hair is a curly messy. I ran some cold water over my face, dried it with a folded towel from the counter.

     Oh no Tommie, my memory of her bleeding out starts racing— my heartbeat increased. I started to cry again into the towel. I cleaned my face for the last time trying to hold my emotions together. Honestly, I have absolutely no control over them right now due to this insane position I'm in.

     I looked over to my right saw some basics folded for me. I went ahead and took a shower washing my hair in the process. I don't know what to make of this situation, I can't make a escape plan. I'm literally thousands of feet in the air.

     I didn't want to blame myself for what happened to Tommie, but how could I not? Everything is such a mess. I got changed, wrapping my slightly damp hair in a bun.

    I gave myself a pep talk in the mirror, "Don't cry, stop crying." My eyes were still swollen than ever.

I slowly opened the door, peeking out seeing a hallway. How big is this plane, I walked straight while hugging myself, I got closer to the end I heard some laughter. I stepped out, showing myself, all eyes were on me. Here goes nothing.

"There's the lady of the hour," one of the men joked from the couch.

"Brother." The other one spoke as a warning, he had a fairly large tattoo across his eyebrow. It was difficult to read, I was to afraid to take the time to look at it anyway.

I didn't see Reign ...

He continued, "Reign is not here, I'm his brother Roscoe, one of four."

"O-Okay nice meeting you Roscoe, m-may I ask why am I on a plane?" I softly muttered, I began to feel my tears trying to creep it's way up to my eyes, I was terrified there's no hiding it.

"Have a seat sweetheart." He firmly instructed me, I took the one seated chair besides the window. "It's not my place to share any news with you, we're just following orders. My brother took a liking into you, you belong to him now."

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