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•Chapter Thirty-Five•


The next day, me and Rafe had woken up and decided to swim in the bright blue water. We decided to stay on his yacht for a few days before we went back for my birthday which was in five days.

It was now 5:37 and we were both watching the sunset while we ate the stir-fry he finished cooking just minutes prior.

We were sitting on the deck with our legs hanging off the edge and into the cool water with light music playing from the speaker behind us.

"Where do you see yourself in 2 years?" I randomly asked even though we'd already talked about it multiple times.

He continued looking out into the ocean while he replied, "In a house in Greece, married to you with a 1 year old" He smiled and turned to me.

"I love how you talk about future plans like it's the simplest thing in the world" I breathed out before taking another bite.

"Before you came back, I saw myself overdosed in my drug dealers trailer with shitty relationships with my dad and sisters. I probably would've gotten myself killed if I continued taking drugs" He huffed.

"I'm glad you stopped, and I'm even more glad that you're 5 months and 2 weeks sober now" I grinned.

"It's all because of you, love" He winked at me and set his plate down now that he was finished. I collected his plate and walked to the sink where I sat both of ours before walking back over to him.

I used his arm to inch myself into the water and kept myself afloat in front of him.

"What about you? Where do you see yourself in 2 years?" He asked as I swam in small circles in the water.

"About the same" I shrugged with a smile on my face. Silence enveloped the two of us as I continued to swim and listen to the faded music while he watched my every move.

Once it got darker, I finally got out of the water and towel dried myself off and put my hair in a messy bun to get it out of my face.

I watched as Rafe came over and grabbed two glasses from the cabinet and poured both of them with bourbon before setting them on the marble countertop and holding out a finger to me as he went over to his phone that was connected to his speaker and started playing "In Your Eyes" by The Weeknd.

I quirked an eyebrow when he grabbed both glasses and handed one to me before placing his arm around my waist and planting his hand on my ass before starting to sway the both of us. I giggled and I hooked my right arm around his neck while I held my glass with my left hand.

I closed my eyes and let the lyrics flow through my head as we both swayed. I took a sip of the alcohol and opened my eyes to see him staring deep into mine.

In your eyes, I see there's something burning inside you

I looked between both of his eyes and noticed the lust and passion that shined inside of them. I felt his thumb rub small circles against my ass as he took a sip of his bourbon all while continuing to stare in my eyes.

We swayed in small circles and I even stepped closer and felt his hard erection beginning to grow. I raised my eyebrows in a silent question but he only smirked and held eye contact as he took sips of his drink.

𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐑 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 || RAFE CAMERONWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt