The door with a weird vibe

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Matthew stood up from the seat and walked out of the lounge through the window. The big wall sized window slid open and lead to the Japanese styled garden while I shook my head


I can't jump to conclusions. I can make assumptions but I should wait till they find the body and match it with the time Dave left for City D! All of this might just be in my head!

Just because Dave's an introvert and doesn't talk much doesn't make him the killer!

But wait-

What if they don't find the body?

Dread crept up my chest and my eyes went wide.

This is the first time the head was found, so what if this time there is no body?!? What is the killer thinking? What if he's changing his ways?!

I gulped.

OH! I hope they find the body! Please! I clasped my hands together and prayed. Please! Killers don't usually change their ways, not if they're showing the same pattern for every kill.

I pursed my lips, then looked at the salad bowl on my lap. I lost the little appetite I had gotten after seeing the food on the table and placed the bowl back on the glass surface as I let out a sigh.

I glanced at Matthew, he stood on the veranda that had the roof while it continued to rain. With the window open, a cool breeze came in and I took a deep breath in it.

It was refreshing.

Then I looked around for my phone.

Wait, I tapped my shirt

Where's my phone? I felt a mini heart attack when I couldn't find it in my pocket but soon after realized I wasn't wearing my clothes.

Ah, shit, I must have left it in the bathroom with my clothes. I stood up, I should go get it.

But as soon as I started to walk, I stopped


I clasped my left arm with my right hand as a feverish feeling took over.

Nolan's been calling me and I can't bring myself to pick his calls. After I hung up on him this morning, he's called me a few times but I didn't pick up. I just feel so bad and strange thinking about the whole thing and I have no idea how to deal with it.

I began to walk but not specifically to the bathroom. Matthew seemed busy, so I just started to stroll around, looking around the house. There was a lot going through my mind, besides the serial killer on loose, a large portion of my mind was occupied by how I was going to deal with Nolan and his cheating issue.

I had no proof to give to anyone that we were dating and now I felt lost. I still have to work for him though, not just because I owe him but also because I have college to finish and my mom's hospital bills to pay.

I sighed as I looked around, going through the open kitchen and coming across the stairway I realized that it was a very beautiful house. But anyone would expect this from a CEO.


I noticed a door, nothing out of the ordinary for me to stop for it, except that it was slightly open and what made me stop was the cool air coming out of it.

Like someone had turned on the air con, no, the air was colder than that, it felt like those cold rooms in big malls with freezing air on to keep the meat from smelling. It was that kind of sensation.

I stopped in front of it and stared at it.

Does Matthew get hot easily? I turned my whole body towards the door. It's the rainy season so there's no need to turn the air so cold.

A weird vibe came from it and my reporter instincts kicked in. I looked back and realized I was at a blind spot. I couldn't see the window from here and no one from there could see me from there since this door was under the empty space of the staircase.

I stepped towards it, it was already a little open so I went ahead and grabbed the door knob and pushed it open.



There was another set of stairs there that led down. The lights were off in the stairway and I didn't see a switch to turn them on either. On that note, I don't think there was a light bulb there at all, but I could still see the bottom after focusing for a little while.

There was another door there, which was ¼ open but with no lights there either, and because of that, I couldn't tell what was there.


Something felt wrong here. The cold crisp air was making its way to my body and I shivered when it went past my skin.

Why would someone turn the freezer on in their basement? I glanced back, there still wasn't anyone there, so I looked back down.

No, on that note, why would there be something like a freezer in a basement? It just made no sense.

Thunder rumbled in the sky and the electricity fluctuated, dimming the lights for a moment.

I shouldn't be doing this when I'm here as a guest, but I can't seem to calm down the inkling I'm getting.

I want to go down and see what's there. My heart started racing at the thought of going down and curiosity began to loom stronger.

The lights got back on strong and I stepped through the door. The lights in the lounge were on but maybe because the stairway casted a shadow over this area, the stairs were dark.

I had to go down slowly, I didn't want to trip over and end up in another humiliating situation even though sneaking around in someone's house is something to be ashamed of and I'm sure to get caught which will be humiliating too.

I gulped

But before I get caught, I want to see what's down there. My reporter instincts just won't let me be if I don't go.

Halfway down I heard my name being called.

"Clio?" It was Matthew. I looked back up, through the door, at the brighter place. He was probably looking for me since I vanished but he still hadn't made his way to this side.

I looked back down.

I should go back up right. That's the right thing to do.


I went further down

I get the feeling if I go back up, I won't get another chance to ever come here again.

"Clio?" His voice sounded distant than before, indicating he went to the other side to look for me. I guess he didn't think I'd be a snoopy dog and that made me feel a little guilty but not enough to stop me.

I reached the bottom and stood in front of the quarter open door.

"Just a peek," I whispered to myself and placed my hand on the doorknob, then opened it without a second thought


As soon as I opened the door, I felt my soul leave my body


I let out an unintentional scream and stumbled back.


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