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Today, as I woke up on a Saturday, I knew that Mike and Vanessa Peters would need me for something, although I couldn't be bothered to remember what it was. They always seemed to rely on me to take care of my younger sister, Bloom, as if it was my duty. But the truth was, Bloom had changed. She had become a narcissistic and homophobic person, and I couldn't bring myself to be there for her anymore. It seemed like my parents didn't understand my perspective and insisted that I should be there for her no matter what. With frustration, they left in a huff, leaving me alone with Bloom.

In her room, Bloom isolated herself from the world, acting like an antisocial little brat. I used to dream of having a twin sister, someone I could share my life with. But Bloom's unstable behavior shattered that dream. Even as children, she would throw fits and scream if I played with a toy she wanted. This would result in my parents shouting at me and showering her with attention. As we grew older, this pattern continued, causing my parents to develop a strong dislike towards me. Amidst all this chaos, my only refuge was my art. Drawing became my escape, a way for me to express my emotions. At the young age of 16, I started selling my artwork, as it was the earliest legal age for me to have a bank account. With the support of my friends, I was able to market my work effectively, and it sold for significant amounts, ranging from hundreds to thousands of dollars.

But there was something else that played a crucial role in preserving my sanity - the shadows. There was one specific shadow that helped me navigate through the darkness of my life. She introduced herself as Kate, and from that moment on, the shadows, darkness, and the monsters of the night no longer instilled fear in me. Instead, I found solace in their presence and even learned to communicate with them in their own language. As I continued to grow, Kate became more than just a friend; she acted as a mother figure in my life, a role that Vanessa had failed to fulfill.

Through Kate, I was introduced to a multitude of other extraordinary beings. Werewolves, vampires, witches, kitsunes, gorgons, phantoms, fairies, and even skin walkers became my companions and confidants. They welcomed me into their world and taught me invaluable skills such as magic and combat, empowering me to face any challenge head-on without ever backing down.

But their support extended beyond just the physical realm. When my insecurities and mental health began to take a toll on me, these extraordinary friends were there for me, providing comfort and guidance. They helped me battle my inner demons and find strength within myself. Additionally, they shielded me from the torment of Bloom, who tried to bully and belittle me. Their unwavering protection and support gave me the courage to stand tall and face any adversity that came my way.

In the embrace of these extraordinary beings, I found a sense of belonging and acceptance that had eluded me in the human world. They became my family, my allies, and my source of inspiration. Together, we defied societal norms and embraced the beauty of our differences, forging a bond that transcended mere friendship. With their guidance and unwavering presence, I discovered my true potential and learned to embrace the magic that resided within me.

At the age of 17, I had already discovered and honed my extraordinary abilities. Not only could I communicate with shadows, but I had also developed the power to transform rocks into precious gems and ordinary objects into pure 24k gold. These unique talents were not only a testament to my exceptional lineage but also bestowed upon me the title of the Queen of Shadows.

Guided by Nik, my mentor, I learned to control and harness my powers, unlocking the true potential of my heritage. As the rightful heir to the fallen kingdom of Domino, I carried the responsibility to rebuild it in my own image. I envisioned a kingdom of unparalleled opulence, a realm where everything gleamed with the radiance of gold.

In my future kingdom, I will rule with an iron fist, ensuring that no citizen would ever go hungry or be left without a roof over their heads. Especially the children. Justice was swift and severe, with all crimes met with due punishment. To defend my kingdom, I will assembled an unbeatable army consisting of fighter fairies and specialized warriors. Not only the fairies and specialists, but the rest of supernatural will be welcomed as well.

My journey towards self-discovery began at a young tender age. At the age of four, I first started conversing with Kate and the rest of the shadows, a connection that grew stronger with time. The same with my friends. By the age of seven, I discovered my ability to transform objects into gold, a power that set me apart from ordinary individuals. However, I couldn't control this power well, but I did find out that it doesn't work on living things. So I can touch people and the earth just fine, but things like my food and clothes aren't safe from my powers.

Now, at the age of 17, I had grown into a formidable force, ready to take on the world. Having moved out of my "parents" house, I had established myself as a successful entrepreneur, running my art business that seemed to spanned the globe. My financial prowess only further solidified my position as a powerful and influential figure.

Today, I found myself back at the Peters' house, as Bloom and myself were about to embark on a journey to Alfea. This new chapter in my life promised to bring even more challenges and opportunities for growth. As I prepared to leave, I couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement and determination, knowing that my destiny awaited me beyond the walls of my childhood home.

Word Count: 1014

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