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This book is a platform that provides invaluable insights and strategies for anyone who wants to get their work noticed. It covers everything from building a strong online presence to creating compelling content that resonates with your target audience. Additionally, it offers practical tips and techniques for increasing your visibility and attracting a larger following, whether you're just starting out or already have a significant fanbase. With this book, you'll learn how to stand out in a crowded market, leverage social media to your advantage, and ultimately achieve your goals as a writer or creator.


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Tips to have views in Wattpad-

-Cover page HAS TO BE ATTRACTIVE: many people decide to read the book by seeing the cover page

-Tags: increase the number of tags to make them easily available.

-Summary: The reader makes their mind over here if they want to continue with the book

-Grammar: Very important for readers who like good quality work. A few typos and grammatical mistakes are alright but bad is so not alright.

-Completion: Completed books attract many readers

-More chapters: Though it might not increase your engaged or unique readers daily, it reflects on total reads.

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