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Huzaifa looked breathtaking as he always did in the video of the new commercial he sent to her. It was some popular beverage company in which he was making a highlight more than the actual product. And she wouldn't even call it her crush on him. Huzaifa had that distinct aura around himself that he could make anyone come after him.

Sometimes Unaiza considered him so lucky. He had everyone one could desire for and he got everything without any hurdle. But the fact that he shared his success with her was so wholesome that it caused her to dance in ecstasy.

Crazy. Wasn't she?

She was genuinely happy for him but as soon as she recalled his father's disapproval of this profession, she stopped her fingers which were about to type a congratulatory message. Huzaifa had opened a door for himself on the screen and now slowly anyone could recognize him. What would he do then? But she didn't want to ruin his achievement for him. Everything else could take a while.

She quickly typed a congratulations which he read the other instant.

"Thanks...What are you doing, Glasses??"

"Nisha Api has just called me over for lunch so I am just about to join them"

"You will see that macho man there too then."

Unaiza's eyebrows rose in confusion. Huzaifa and his ability to come up with the classiest, funniest, and weirdest nicknames for everyone never died.


"Nisha's husband"

An embarrassed smile struck her lips.

"Ruhaan Bhai is very sweet, Huzaifa."

"I never saw that man smiling once. I can't believe how he maintains that poker face. He exhibits that rude rich businessman vibes him is makes me question your choice of the word sweet. A man like him is crazy for Nisha is something I would have never believed if she wasn't my cousin"

Perhaps Huzaifa was right. In the beginning, she too felt the same from Ruhaan. And she seriously felt bad for Nisha for falling in love with a person so poised, meticulous, and precise like he was a walking wall clock. But as she saw Ruhaan more closely when he many times took her help for wooing Nisha and later on, considered her as his little sister, she realized that he was a very different person from what he showed to the rest of the world.

"Congrats again, Huzaifa. May you get everything you want easily"

"I wish the same for you, Iza"

Her heart beat with a new intensity as she read his words. He wished her to get what she wanted easily. And he didn't even know that it was he himself. She had always prayed about him, wished about him, and dreamt about him.

She chuckled inwardly at her silly thought and dropped the phone back on the bed before making a way out of the room.

Some wishes were beyond being true and she was indeed not a fool to fall prey to dreams once again.


Unaiza felt strange abruptly while appearing in front of Ruhaan and his family after what happened to her. They must have got to know this from Nisha. However her every worry fell flat when she met them. Nisha's grandmother, Ruhaan, and the kids were very welcoming to her. Even Eshal squealed in excitement and rushed over to her.

"Khala..." She dropped her arms around Unaiza's figure as she hugged her tightly.

Wearing a loose blue pants with a white kurta, and her hair combed in a braid, she looked like a younger version of Nisha. Her twin brother soon followed her and she just smiled at the display of love.

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