Chapter 8: THE SUN: a righteous ruler

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The sun is the righteous ruler

For he stands secluded at the top,

Even when his crowd


And doesn't pay him any face.

He stands strong infront of the


As he repels those cosmic rays!

Though unbeknownst to us

He suffers a lot,

As keeps us alive

And feeds all of us.

Be it a tiny plant

Or a gigantic elephant

All of us lean on him

For most out basic needs.

He protects this planet

From the biting cold

As he burns himself

To scatter around the light he got.

That is a true leader,

He stands in the front!

Not scared of anyone

And proud and tall.

He is the true leader

Different from all those

Shimmering stars

Though they look pretty

Not all of that

Glitter is gold.

He faces the enemy putting on a

brave front

If it were any of us

We would have been long dead and gone.

For he has loved his country since the

moment he opened his eyes

And would continue till they shut

for the last time.

Filled with mercy and justice

He is symbolic representation courage

And courtesy.

Humble in his behaviour and kind

To his people

He keeps burning

Engulfing us in a warm embrace

He keeps burning

To keep the danger away....

It is with the people and by the people

That the power lies,

He is the one who truly deserves the skies.

His glory unparalleled and

unmatched till the next billions of years,

What would happen to us

If he weren't there at all.

What if it were somebody else in his place,

Would they have been corrupted and

With an arrogant face.

They would have the skies afterall,

We won't have anything
In our hands to stop them at all.

For with great power comes great responsibility,

If you want it,

U better pay your people,

such heed.


Hey, sup??

Hope you liked it and pls tell me if I
could any thing to improve myself
I would be really thankful. ❤️

Thx for reading.

Have a great day ahead.❣️

Bue bue.

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