Chapter 13: THE DIAMONDS

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Shining the shine

That even the stars fade before,

The diamond

Glitters with all its glory

Lo and behold!

Everyone admires

As they stare in awe,

Trying to curry favours

And trying to gain her trust!

Some jealous,

While some flattery in nature,

Crowding her and

Hoping she chokes.

For all of them

have the same purpose

Of taking her place,

They want her close

To strip her off her last

Of breath!

Perhaps that's the reason

For her selfishness,

For She is aware

Of all their advances.

Who knows what

She would have been like,

If she weren't so perfect..

Yet, there's someone who

Outshines her all the time.

In front the said,

Her shine fades into a

Mere Deam light.

For Diamonds they are of

different types,

True friends they come!


In a lifetime.

They Vary from

the one at the top.

She is a friend to none,

But True friends are

the ones who would

Sacrifice their lives for you,

Once and for all.

They say all that glitter

Ain't gold,

And needless to say they are right!

For diamonds shine brighter

Than that

In Every field of life.

The ones who are deemed

the greatest!

At what they do,

From the ones who are

Born with a silver spoon!

All of them glitter

Brighter than gold.

Yet can anyone

Compare to a true friend at all?

People with talents,

They are a diamond of sorts

which come for brief and go

Depart before you know.

But true friends they

Stay forever

As a boon.

They stay by your side,

Till your last breath fades,

They stay till you leave them

All by themselves....

Holding your cold body

In a tight hold,

They keep longing

for your return

As they shed tears

Of gold.

For everything Bout

Them is much more

Than just cost...




Hey, cupcake ♥️

How you doing!

Here's a poem bout the people
I love the most!

Among all the seeming diamonds they shine the brightest you know!

Thx Cassiopeia_Lestrange

For the topic: A poem on people I love the most!♥️

Have a great day dear friends!

That's it and,

Bue bue.

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