8 dark shadow

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Dark shadow.

18+ scene

Soon, sweetheart, soon you will worship me like the devil worships his hell..

My combat boots crush the leaves and branches under the soles once I hit the other side.Making my way up to the house, I smile that the idiot doesn’t even have security at the front gate tonight. That’s how fucking cocky Albert is. Stupid motherfucker. He is not untouchable. He stays out all the time leaving 3 of them here without any security guard, in this million dollar mansion.

Not a single guy who resembles security is to be seen. He feels safe here.

Making my way to the side of the house, I see the wooden lattice that I know she uses to get in and out of the house when she’s snuck out in the past.

I start to climb it until I get to the second floor, where I jump the railing to the balcony. Wrapping my  leather -covered hand around the knob,I turn it to find it unlocked.Slipping into the bedroom, I look around and see it’s empty, like I knew it would be.

Ryan and that asshole are not at home either. Albert took them with him for a business conference leaving her alone. It's midnight right now and I just aw her few hours ago, but it's seems like forever, I can't get enough of her, fucking no way.

The room is spotless. Not a single thing out of place. Her king-size four post bed sits against the wall to the left. The white duvet covers it along with an obsessive number of pillows. The bench at the end has her favourite throw blanket that she prefers to wrap up in when watching a movie.

I’m so fucking hard that it hurts. I dream about her when I’m asleep and awake. She’s consuming me to the point I’m suffocating.Shaking my head, after having a boring night race with my friends, I couldn't stop myself from thinking about her, her looks, her body every fucking single part of her. Which lead to drag me till here

I adjust my dick and make my way to the door. I don’t have time for that right now. I leave the bedroom door open as I step out of the room and into a lit hallway. Large, expensive artwork hangs on the walls that Albert fucker paid millions for from well-known artists.

I looked around and saw there was no one,as expected. I heard water dripping from the kitchen, she is probably there. I walked towards the kitchen and stood behind the door. I know she will come out and it's time for me to worship her. I came directly from the warehouse, I need relief and I will only find it here.

This is not the first time I sneaked into her house from that huge balcony, I always do it, but still can't do anything  because of her sleep, and her fucker brother or her fucker cousin is always in the house, this the first time there is no one in the house. Perfect time. The devil is standing at your door itself for you to worship him.

I heard muffle footsteps, the more they came closure, the more I can hear them clearly, fuck that Mac for touching her,it still pisses me off.

She stepped outside and started walking upstairs, I jumped from behind and put my hand on her mouth preventing from screaming.

She is protesting hard, to get out of my grip.

It's useless sweetheart, it's fucking of now use, you should save this energy for tonight.

I push the room door open and drag her inside.

I slammed  her up against the wall next to the open door before she can finish whatever she wants to say, my hand slaps over her mouth, and I pin her in place.

Big brown eyes look up at the black mask covering my face. I’ve never seen anything more beautiful. I could stare at them every second of every day.

They’ve never been so large; she’s terrified of what she sees. Me. I can feel her small body trembling against mine, and tears start to fill her eyes.

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