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Her cheeks flushed and she too met his gaze. "You must be angry at me."

Huzaifa lifted a brow. "Why though?"

"Because you need to hear the scolding of my share too," she let out, naively.

Huzaifa laughed out loudly. "It's okay. I love adventures and things like that intensify my urge to do more adventures. They care for you, maybe more than me. But don't worry; I will act as a perfect husband for you so that they will be rest assured for forever. Someone who will take care of you and become a man who will act as a doting husband for you."

Something in his tone made her smile drop and she stared at him silently. What did he mean by this?

"Oh, but I am still sorry. I should have talked back then and shouldn't drop the whole weight of blame on you," she said, fidgeting with her fingers.

Huzaifa caught the scenery of her slender fingers and then his given ring. Something at this sight made him feel possessive for her. As though only he had a right to touch this soft hand.

He jerked his hand upside down. "Never mind it. I wouldn't have liked it if anyone would have scolded you for a petty thing like that."

His gaze moved from her hands to her face. Again in lenses, she looked different than usual. But once again, he found a peculiar charm around her. Innocence, naiveness, and integrity. Something in him didn't want to hurt her even though that was what would lead him to win his game.

Soon one of their male cousin Haroon arrived. "Come on, Mr. Groom. Let's welcome the dancing floor with your amazing presence."

Huzaifa smiled and nodded. He was about to get up when Haroon asked Unaiza too.

"The couple dance will be perfect," he murmured. "Iza, you should come too."

He saw as Unaiza gasped and beads of sweat appeared on her forehead. Within a split second, two of their female cousins Sidra and Mahin too came, urging Unaiza to dance.

"No...I...I don't think..." Unaiza stuttered while trying to keep a smile as she struggled to choose whether to decline or agree. She harshly grabbed the fabric of her lehenga with her fingers.

Huzaifa noticed her reluctance. He turned towards their cousins. "No, we will not do that. She is not comfortable. I don't like my to-be wife dancing like that."

Haroon raised a brow in amusement. "Wow. You belong to showbiz and want to put restrictions on your wife."

Huzaifa gave him a hard look. "That's my personal matter, Haroon."

He chuckled in return. "Do you see it Iza? Are you really okay with the idea of your husband prohibiting you from doing the things that are his profession?"

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