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Nisha was panicking that her sister-in-law had gone missing for a long time. The thing remained solely between her and Ruhaan and both of them tried their best not to show their apprehension to anyone. Nisha even mingled along with everyone so aptly that no one knew what was happening in the background. Rahmeen needed to use the washroom because Azan had accidentally spilled his milk on her dress and the boy even got hold of her phone because he wanted to play the game.

Nisha called over Aliyan in a corner and asked him to check the restrooms for his Aunt. And maybe today was a happy and lucky day for them that before her son could even go, she saw Rahmeen and Ruhaan coming her way. She rushed ahead. Rahmeen seemed distressed to her while Ruhaan had his arm around her shoulder and he was talking softly to her. What happened to her?

"Rahmeen," Nisha called her. "Where did you go? We were so worried for you."

She became stilled but then maintained a smile. "I went to one of the restrooms but maybe someone from the staff thought it was vacant so they locked it. I...I called Bhai so he came and asked them to unlock."

She was glad that Nisha didn't know that she had left her phone with Azan. Maybe Ruhaan would tell her the reality by himself because Rahmeen didnt have any courage to say this herself.

Izmir was the darkest part of her life and she didn't want to open it in front of everyone.

"Rami, kids will be waiting for you. You should go over to them," Ruhaan urged her and she nodded quickly.

Shooting a bright smile at Aliyan, she held his hand and he guided her to the place where his siblings were sitting.

Nisha came in front of Ruhaan. "Is she fine? She looked worried."

Ruhaan nodded. "She is fine, Nisha."

She placed her hand on his chest. "Are you sure?"

Ruhaan briefly touched her hand. "I'll tell you everything once we reach home. For now, you shouldn't spoil your mood.  Unaiza would be looking forward to your presence now."

She sighed but listened to him anyway. She wished Rahmeen was really okay.



Huzaifa once again rejoiced when the news of his paternal side of the family being angry over the supposed romantic couple photoshoot reached his attention. They were furious including Tashfeen that no one from their family became this shameless and did PDA. But Huzaifa knew how little this was as compared to what he wanted to do with his wife at their wedding and even smaller than what he usually did with models in the shoots. He stopped because of Unaiza's discomfort because of the same PDA. He didn't know what havoc would it bring upon every one of them if he actually opted for a forehead kiss.

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