44 17 13

Thwated, defeated!

Broken & hurted!

That pricey love yours,

Is sugar coated as always.

But only if it Lived up

to its expense.

And didn't wear off!

When you were done

using me instead.

For You'd rather ignore me

Just the way I ignored

that price I had to pay.

All my feelings they scatter

on the floor instead!

For you Never adored me sweet!

My eyes they were caged in dark.

Your love's too pricey for me

And for my docile heart.

Yet The perks of pretence,

they were rather too sweet.

For you to give up

As you Break apart a heart

and trample it

Till it feels no more....

 WHISPERS OF THE SOUL  ||Poetry|| ✔️Where stories live. Discover now