We were never equals.

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We were never equals.
Despite being born on the same day minutes apart.
I could never find the spotlight you seemed to dance in or the microphone you would yell into.
Your ability to just breathe seemed to astound everyone around you whilst mine never did.
And, yes, I won’t deny you needed more support and attention than I did, but that didn’t mean I could be silenced just as I’d learned to sing.
The world seemed to bend over backwards and completely change at your command.
Every inconvenience was gone in a minute.
Whilst I was struggling in the dark and was told to just deal with it.
I watched your every move because I was programmed to do so.
I didn’t get to shine in the way you did.
I wasn’t rewarded for just opening my eyes in the morning.
I always ran ten paces in front of you and, yet, you’d catch up with me every time because they held your hand the entire way.
I tried. 
And tried.
And tried again.
Just so they would look at me.
Notice me.
Let me shine for once.
But they rarely did.
It was always you this and you that.
Never me, always you.
I became cold and a negative shell of the person I was born to be.
They picked me down to the bone and yet somehow still couldn’t connect the puzzle pieces and see the bigger picture.
I wanted to be like you.
I wanted to be me.
I wanted to be more.
I didn’t just want to be the girl who walked you home or the girl who had memorised your timetable before hers and I didn’t want to know when your homework was due.
But I did.
I do.
And I am that girl I feared the most.
I can’t say any of this to you or them.
You wouldn’t accept it.
And they’d come up with some ridiculous excuse.
All I can do is hang my head low.
Stay out of trouble, and hold the spotlight steady for you to shine under.
If there’s one thing I’ve learnt through all of this it’s that we were never equals. 
And we were never meant to be.
And never will be.

We were never equals.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin