All the shiny things

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There was a beautiful shiny light flickering in the air. She crouched low and wiggled her hips. She would catch the shiny and then she would eat the shiny! She gave her hips one last wiggle and then leaped into the air with claws out.

She hissed when the light danced away and she landed on her face. She sniffed the soft thing under her and purred. It was nice. She kneaded the fabric happily and continued purring.

She paused as the light danced over her paw. The shiny! She pawed at it and pounced, trying to catch her prey. She would catch it and eat it. Shiny was going down!

She heard a faint whoosh of air and got distracted. She cocked her little head and saw blue fluttering above her. Oooohhhh- it floated and danced and looked so scratch-able. She forgot about the shiny and followed the blue with her eyes.

She jumped over a scary black cliff and landed on a square piece of land with weird things. She swatted something pink and blinked when it made a great clattering noise as it fell into the abyss. She pawed at another something- black and thin- and heard an even bigger clatter.

She pounced and swatted everything on the land and exulted in the noise. She was the queen of this land- all things fell before her mighty paws!

The fluttering blue reminded her of the mission. Scratch the blue! She jumped high and landed on the blue, her nails sinking in. She swung in the air, clinging to to the blue and whined. The blue was mean!

Her ears flattened and she scrambled off the mean blue with a hiss. She was on a white ledge and she could see all kinds of wonderful things. There was a big shaky thing with arms that waved in the air. A smaller round thing shook a little, wiggling to the same music. It was dark, but soft light came from above. One big white circle and many white sparkles. It was beautiful. She wanted it.

She scratched at the sparkles, but her paw wouldn't go past some force field. It was blocking her from the wonderfuls! She frowned and swatted again. Still blocked. She sniffed the air. She could smell it- it smelled like freedom and freshness. She needed it!

She followed her nose and butted against the force field. There was a hole! She jumped down and landed on her feet down below. She felt squishy green things and hard brown land. She jumped and landed again. The green things moved a little but stayed where they were. She bit it and wrinkled her nose. Not food.

She paused because a smell came to her nose that was irresistible. It smelled  warm. She followed the smell, ignoring all the little wonderfuls for the big wonderful. The smell was calling to her, beckoning her with invisible fingers. She stopped in front of a wall and a hole like the one she jumped out of.

She jumped and climbed up the wall until she finally made it through the hole. The smell was stronger now. She jumped onto a big land and slowly made her way to the source. It was breathing, the low rumble vibrating the air around her. That smell! It was delicious.

She climbed up on the rumbling delicious thing and curled up, enjoying the warmth that filled her body. She was tired after her adventure and felt her eyes slowly closing. She tiredly rubbed her face against the hard, warm delicious thing. After she was sure that she'd marked it as hers, she fell asleep.

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