Bow Down

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I laid the baked cookies onto the large dish carefully making sure they were set neatly against each other, the food was all laid out ready for Alpha Michael to eat once he got home from his work. It had taken me awhile to bake the chicken properly with the right seasonings and I prayed that it would please him, he tended to be more aggravated easily by little things after his hard day of work as an Alpha. I got up on my tiptoes to reach the top cabinet to get out a plate for him and set it on the countertop next to all the food, then get a glass for his drink. I set out a glass of his favorite beer and a soda in case he isn't in the mood for any alcohol, although that rarely was the case after he got back home every day, he always took the alcohol but I did it anyway for preparation. Footsteps sounded from outside the door and my eyes darted up to the doorknob turns much too quickly then I was prepared for, then it opens to reveal a red-faced, heated, and unattractive Alpha Michael whose eyes dart to mine then look away disgustedly. My knees slightly buckle underneath me and I lower my head and body slightly to show submission, this seems to please him slightly as he tosses his jacket onto the recliner chair then walks into the kitchen. The smell of the dinner that was made for him wafts through my nose, making my mouth water a tiny bit as I watch him pass me and stalk into the kitchen. It was chicken with a biscuit and some corn as a side dish than for dessert the platter of cookies, the man liked his sweets. His large hand grabs the plate sat on the counter and he turns whilst grabbing another biscuit and tossing it to me carelessly, I surprisingly caught it and stood there for a moment in shock. The TV turns on as I turn to look at him after getting over that little celebration,

"Thank you very much, Alpha Michael," I say

He brushes my thanks away and stares at the TV while eating his meal his light brown hair is messed up slightly after his long day of work most likely I notice. I drift my attention back to the biscuit and I take a small bite savoring the buttery flavor before swallowing soundlessly, Alpha Michael eats his meal noisily while watching a movie and I occasionally look up at the screen while taking small bites of the biscuit. Suddenly, Alpha Michael freezes up which makes my body tighten in fear, I begin to smell something, just a little hint of an amazing smell that makes me want to hunt down whatever it is coming from. Before I can even begin to think of investigating though Alpha Micheal snaps his head in my direction,

"I want you to get upstairs in your room right now and not come back down till I say so" he snaps, his eyes are blazing, but yet underneath that fake dominating tone, a swirl of fear turns in his face.

To ask why would be suicidal so in response I nod and dart upstairs still holding the half-eaten biscuit in my hand I nearly run up two flights of stairs to the attic which was just a small room, specifically my room which had a small twin sized mattress and a lamp sitting beside it on the floor. On the opposite side of the bed, there was also a window that let you see to the front lawn. I sat down on the mattress, slowly eating the last half of the bread roll, but as I take the last bite voices started to sound from outside. I look up at the window cautiously and that smell hits me again, this time much stronger, it's so good I'm tempted to just run after it at this point. Instead of doing that, because it would get me in major trouble, I crawl off the old mattress and peek out the window to see Alpha Michael speaking with a very handsome man with near pitch black hair and a nice stubble to go along with it, also dark blue eyes that are quite intimidating. That's the Dark Alpha, Erebus! Realization hits me as I finished looking him over before they both walked into the house, he's the most powerful Alpha that's existed since his father died and he's in the house! I hope that he doesn't come upstairs since I'm an omega, he would probably be disgusted with someone like me because of my low ranking. Why is he here? I guess Alpha Michael has a pretty large pack, maybe he wants to become allies with him for something, even if he did it's none of my business anyway. That smell is it coming from...? Suddenly my door slams open and I spin around in shock before Alpha Michael walks over to me then grabs my forearm, jerking my small body off the ground. I snap my eyes closed, keeping myself from yelping in pain at the burning sensation of his hand digging into my skin.

ErebusOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora