1. An Extra Bed

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Brooke's POV:
I nervously walked into the Dean's office. My thoughts were running wild. What if I get a bad reputation from doing this? What if I get kicked out of school, or they realize that it was a mistake to send me a scholarship?!

My head was pounding with anxiety that got even worse as I sat down.

"Good evening, uh, Miss Jones, is it?" Mr. Philipps asked, looking up from a notebook. I fixed my posture and nodded confidently.

"Yes, good evening to you as well, Mr. Philipps," I started. "There seems to be an issue with the dorm situation. I can't find my name on any of the lists and I checked four times."

Mr. Philips nodded along as I spoke. He cleared his throat.

"Yes, hmph, so Miss Jones, we are a little over-crowded this year and it looks like the only dorm we have open is," he paused as he searched his computer. "Room 213 in the west wing."

"But isn't the west wing-"

"Yes it is the boy's hall, but there's no where we can fit you in in the east wing. The dorm rooms are much too small to fit three young women," he explained. I sighed nervously and began to stand up.

"I'm sure I'll be just fine in the west wing, but could you possibly let me know if a room opens up in the east wing?" I purposed. He nodded nicely and told me to have a nice first night.

I was glad that went over smoothly, but not too happy that I'd most likely be spending my freshman year of college in a sweaty, stinky, room. Ugh.


The entire walk to the dorms I was thinking about who I'll be roommates with. I hoped and prayed about five times for him to be gay, and not some incredibly hot douche bag that'll bring a different girl home every night.

I eventually found myself at room 213 and knocked hesitantly on the door. The blasting rap music inside stopped abruptly and the door opened to reveal the most beautiful boy I have ever laid eyes on. He stood in the doorway, leaning against the wall. He was tall with a muscular physique. He had blue eyes and messy brown hair and a nicely chiseled jawline.

I'm usually not one to fawn over a guy like this, but he was different. He was so different.

"Uhm, hi," I stuttered.

"Hey," he laughed with a voice as smooth as butter.

"Uhm, there were no more rooms in the uh, the west wing- the girl's side," I stuttered even more. I was making a complete fool of myself.

"Wait, I have a girl roommate?" He asked, sounding a bit offended.

"For now, I guess," I responded, adjusting my glasses and tightening my ponytail.

He swung the door open wider so I could walk in.
"Make yourself at home, princess."

I rolled my suitcase in and began filling up the second empty dresser with my clothes, making sure he wasn't looking when I put my underwear in the drawers. Afterwards, I put my empty suitcase in the closet and hung up a few more dresses and sweaters I had, making sure to only take up my half. I set up my pillows and blankets on the bed and lit a candle on my nightstand.

I sighed proudly as I looked at my setup. I plopped myself on the bed and began to read my book. The boy looked up from his phone and turned over to face me from his bed.

"So what's your name?" He asked.

"I'm Brooke, and you?" I asked.

"I'm James."

"Nice to meet you," I smiled a beaming smile. He rolled his eyes and looked back at his phone.

"What are you majoring in?" I asked. He rolled to face the wall. "Excuse me?" I said with an offended tone.

"Not interested, princess." He responded.

Ugh. So I did get stuck with an incredibly hot douchebag. Perfect. I set my book down and grabbed some pajama shorts and a big tee shirt. I went into the bathroom and let my long auburn hair down. I washed my face and brushed my teeth and left my glasses on my nightstand.

"James, I'm going to get something to eat, do you want anything?" I asked.

James rolled over and stared blankly at me.

"What?" I asked.

"I just, I didn't realize how hot you were. When you first came in with your hair up in that tight bun and ur glasses and a blazer I was not expecting some total babe underneath," he smirked. I blushed a little before walking towards the door.

"So do you want anything?" I asked again, popping my hip.

"Just for you to stay in those little shorts forever, princess," he winked. I flashed him a toothy smile before closing the door behind me. I pulled a five out of my wallet and bought a mini pizza to share with James and two sodas.


I walked back into our room and set the pizza on James's nightstand and opened both sodas.

"Here's to freshman year," I toasted before we drank our drinks and ate our pizza.

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