Teenage Fever

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Dr. Angela Drew rushed into her cramped office, shuffling past the loud coughs, creaking chairs, and the clanking of the coffee machine.

It was just another day on the job she enjoyed the most. The city lights were as vibrant as the blinding sunlight that rested on her side of the tall what use to be, storage unit building.

She had built her reputation and her dreams from the ground up turning the abandoned building into a center for marriage counseling.

Angela loved helping people find their love and passion not only within themselves but their partner, although she herself was single. She preferred it that way. Sometimes it was easier to help other people solve their problems then focus on her own.

She took a deep breath as she entered her office, and looked around at the stacks of neatly arranged paperwork sitting on a very large antique desk.

She smiled as she rearranged a couple of bright green succulents office flowers that hung over her certifications and degrees. Her office was a tiny slice of home, it vibed with her warm and comforting personality.

Dr. Drew's decor matched the soft tranquil fluorescent lighting. Her client chairs were two soft plush couches that made one want to sink their anxieties away.

A soft cough from the corner of her office startled her, "Oh my!" Dr. Angela exclaimed grabbing her chest.

A feeble young woman sat trembling in the corner. She was of African American descent, her body was long and awkward as she crouched down in an uncomfortable stance.

However, she was beautiful. Her jawline was as long and straight as her lineage and her eyes were the perfect royal crest shape, covering a smoldering cinnamon-rich haze of color.

The woman had full lips that slightly dipped in the middle of her arches and thick kinky locks of moisturized hair that flowed over and down her heart-shaped face.

Oddly the stature of her beauty was dulled out by baggy, ill-fitting clothes, a lack of confidence, and dark shades similar to the ones a doctor might give a patient after dilating their eyes.

Her soft childlike voice trembled as she explained rapidly, "I'm Kaya Magono, I'm scheduled to talk to Dr.Drew" she looked around with suspicion and uncertainty.

Dr. Drew looked at her watch, "You aren't scheduled for another fifteen minutes" she explained with surprise.

Kaya got up inching slowly towards Dr. Drew, "I know but I'm afraid to be late so I always try to come earlier," she stammered looking down at the slippers on her feet.

Dr. Drew smiled, quietly making a mental note to herself. "Alright, I have time so I will see you now" she said gesturing for Kaya to take a seat, "however, please keep in mind that if you are worried about being late to an appointment you can always call my secretary ahead of time"

Kaya shook her head gravely, "No no no I'm afraid to call people I don't know". She sat down stiffly clutching her purse tightly while frowning.

Dr. Drew raised an eyebrow but took a seat at her desk, and in a very professional manner asked, "so where is your significant other? I was under the impression that I would be talking to the both of you, and if he has any fears about therapy I'm sure I can help make this experience better" she stated grabbing her notepad.

Kaya laughed holding her sides, "no this was his idea, he will probably be here in a few minutes, he's driving from work".

Dr. Drew crossed her legs, looking up through the brim of her lenses, "Okay well please share what seems to be the issue, or we can simply just talk" she said in a soft relaxing tone.

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