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Y/N : Listen here buddy.

Creep: ?

Y/N : Just drop it alright?  You can't just show up like that OK?  Seriously. She told you to back off!

Creep: Um,  just so you know - I think you got the wrong guy

Y/N : Stop it! Don't you have any shame?! You look like an educated person!  What fun is it to stalk someone who just isn't interested!

Creep: Oh God. Just stop yelling!

Y/N : You deserve it dumbass! You have no self-respect! It's so damn stupid! Stalking a girl won't help you win her,  OK?  I mean come on!

Creep : Honestly,  this is interesting.


Creep : I'm not your guy. Sorry. You just wasted a good speech on the wrong person.

Y/N : Leave her alone. She doesn't like you. Loser!


Kim Taehyung sighed as he set the phone down. Jimin noticed the frown on his friend's face and asked 'What's that face for? '

'I just got yelled at by some random girl' Tae said shrugging.

'What did you do? '

'Just told you it was totally random. I don't know her'

'Hehe,  funny though.'

'Shut up'

*2:30 am*

Y/N : I really hope you're not awake,  since this is really embarrassing.

Y/N : I got the wrong number 😢 I feel so bad. Please don't take it to heart. I was really upset and concerned about my friend - this guy has been stalking her for a while now and

Y/N : I know it doesn't mean anything to you,  but just so that I feel better 😑

Y/N : I'm really sorry!!

*Y/N let out a long breath and covered her face with her hands. Her cellphone vibrated and she held her breath yet again. *

Notthecreep: It's alright. It was for a good cause 😉

Y/N: Dammit

Y/N : You were supposed to be asleep. It's 2:45 am for God's sake 😟

Notthecreep : Just another sleepless night

Y/N: Oh. Anyway,  just wanted to say sorry.

Notthecreep : Already told you it's alright. It's pretty cool how you protect your friend. She's lucky

Y/N: Um,  thank you

Y/N: Well then...

Notthecreep : If it's not too much to ask, let's talk

Y/N: I don't even know you 😐

Notthecreep : Tae

Y/N: Hm ?

Notthecreep : It's my name. Tae. What's yours?

Y/N: How do I know it's safe to talk to you?  You could be a psycho killer for all I know 😶

Notthecreep : I'm NOT a psycho killer. You can be sure of it.

Y/N: Hm.  OK. I really don't know why I'm doing this but... I'm Y/N

*Changed name to Tae*

Tae: That's a nice name. You're not from here are you?

Y/N : Nope.

Tae: What do you do?

Y/N : I'm an art student. You?

Tae: I'm an artist too

Y/N : Oh cool, what kind of artist?

Tae: I'm into music

Y/N : Wow,  that's really cool!

Tae : It's cool 😊

Y/N : So,  you work or?

Tae : Hey,  I'll talk to you soon OK?  Something came up

Y/N : OK,  bye

*Tae sat biting his lip. He wanted to keep talking to her,  but giving away his identity wasn't the greatest idea at the moment. So he lay in his bed,  thinking of the girl before slowly drifting off to sleep.*

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