The Invasion

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"Just bring that box upstairs!" Jess' voice rang out cheerfully as she opened the front door, calling behind her. She walked into the room in a rush, her arms full of wide eyed little girl. Chubby legs surrounded Jess' jean clad waist.

"Cameron! Help! Now!"

His mom's crazy serious voice worked like a spell. Cameron jumped off the couch, threw down his latest book and rushed over to his mom, grabbing the little girl who was about to fall. His mom jostled the big box she'd been carrying, but lost the battle as it too fell with a crash onto the thinly carpeted floor. Jess grimaced and bit her lip, looking over her shoulder at the tall boy coming behind her through the door.

"I'm so sorry Ryan! I didn't hear anything break!"

The little girl squiggled in Cameron's arms. He looked down into her blue eyes. They were wide and glassy. He nodded at her, rubbed her back and said in a quiet voice. "Hi."

"Ryan, this is my son Cameron. Maybe you remember him from grade school." said Jess as she hoisted the box again, and headed up the stairs, looking behind to introduce them.

Cameron looked over at the boy standing in his hallway, as he shifted Leah onto his hip higher. The poor kid looked half asleep, Stress probably. But Ryan didn't even make eye contact as he followed Jess up the stairs, his boots making heavy sounds as he moved.

Cameron rolled his eyes and followed them.

Upstairs he could hear loud noises coming from his room, noises that he chose to ignore for the moment. He took Leah into what was now her bedroom. It had been an empty room where Cameron had kept his books and an old record player, a couch and a TV. But when Jess had told him that she was fostering the Moore kids, she and Cameron had spent all summer transforming it into a tiny girls room. They'd painted it green and yellow (because his mom insisted not every girl loves pink and purple), and added a toddler bed with a blue comforter covered in dancing foxes and bears and raccoon. The closet held some of Leah's clothes already, as they'd been able to move her stuff earlier. A few low shelves spilled over with books from Jess' teacher friends, a few beloved bedgragged stuffed animals and a random assortment of toys.

Thankfully in the month leading up to the move, Leah had visited Jess and Cameron a few times, with the nanny, so she was at least a little familiar with the house and everything. Cameron turned on the light and sat Leah down on her new bed.

"She's all tuckered out, poor thing." His mom whispered coming into the room. "I'll get her into bed. Why don't you go help Ryan move the rest of his stuff into your room."

Cameron nodded, but leaned down and gave Leah a kiss on her cheeks before he left. He was rewarded with a tiny smile.

"Night silly," he said ruffling her wispy brown hair. "I'll see you tomorrow morning. I'll even make you chocolate chip pancakes with a whipped cream smile.'  

"Night, Cameron." said the tiny tired voice.

He nodded at his mom and left the room.

Ryan passed him going down the stairs and said nothing. Cameron followed the taller boy out the front door. His mom had borrowed a coworkers van to help with the move and Ryan was climbing in the backseat shifting the boxes in the far back to the middle bank of seats. Cameron stood outside the door ready to grab a box. Ryan backed out of the car, turned suddenly and flinched back at the sight of Cameron.

"Shit man. You're fucking quiet."

"I'll take that." Camerons said evenly, holding his hands out for the box Ryan held.

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