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Wandering through the empty graveyard carrying a flower, passing by a bunch of gravestones under which lay bodies of people who once were once a reason for someone to live, positive or negative. 

As a long walk where my mind wandered around random thoughts that questioned life and its purpose came to an end, I finally reached her grave.

The grave of the person who gave birth to me, the one who went through a lot to raise me, the one who I thought would be by my side my whole life no matter what.

I placed the flower on her gravestone all memories of her started flashing in my head. I sat on the ground between the fog and darkness, silent, hoping she could hear the loud thoughts the voice in my head was screaming. 

After a while, I got up and looked around cause I had a feeling I was being watched, I did not spot anyone in a distance so I brushed it off thinking it was my delusion and I started walking my way out.

Suddenly I felt icy fingers grab my arm that scared the hell out of me.

"WAKE UP Y/N!" I heard someone say while shaking me. After a few seconds, I opened my eyes only to find my dad calming me down while rubbing my arm.

"Nightmare again?" he asked, as our eyes met.

"Hmm," I said, sitting up and wiping the sweat off my face.

"Oh honey, it'll be alright,"  He said, before pulling me into a hug, stroking my back to make me feel safe.

I hummed before pulling away after a minute of father-daughter bonding early in the morning.

"I'll go do my morning routine!" I got out of the bed and sluggishly walked into the bathroom.

"Be quick! the breakfast will be ready in 15 minutes." He yelled, walking out of my room.

The whole time getting ready, I was trying to not think about that dream, not to think about mom... cause it makes me sad, even though it has been two months. Even after two months, I'm not able to believe she left us. I was not expecting her to leave me like this, Even during our weekly visits to the hospital, the doctors always assured us that, even though she was battling an incurable disease she has time left and can even be cured if luck was by her side.

But all of a sudden one day she left us, and that day has to be the worst day of my life. After that dad and I, we really had a very hard time getting over it. So we decided to leave The States and come back to Korea to start over. 

We came to Korea 4 days ago. My parents had bought a house here long ago but no one really used it so we decide to move in and have a fresh start and try to get over our past.

I reached the dining room and saw my dad had kept some toasts and a cup of coffee ready for me.

Dad was teaching me the basics about Korean schools and revised the road and bus routes while I was busy chugging down my breakfast and slugging my coffee.

"Slow down honey or else you'll choke!." He said, looking up as he saw me in a rush.

"Mmm," I replied, with my mouth full not seeing to listen to him.

I finally finished my breakfast and dad finished his parental nagging. I threw my backpack over my back and squeezed my foot into the shoe as I was very lazy to untie and tie the shoelace.

"Have a good day and do as I taught you!" I heard him, as I open the front door.

"Yes dad." I yelled leaving the house.

Pulling out my earphones along with the transportation card, I got on the bus. After a swift thirty minutes ride, I reached my school's stop. The school looked good but nothing compared to my old school, the architecture and layout were completely different. A large playground in front of the building, similar to the ones shown in animes and then the most annoying thing about Korean schools, UNIFORMS!

Walking in the same direction as the other students, 'I have to find the teacher's desk first!' It was the only thing on my mind. 

Getting into the large building with people who were near my age, I was walking around searching for the teachers' desk. Even after taking two rounds, I did not seem to find any room full of teachers. Looking around for a person to who I could ask for directions, that's when I bumped into a tall figure,

'SHIT!' I thought, cause in animes with a similar environment if someone bumps into someone they start to create a scene and eventually bully them.

"Sorry." We both said at the same time, I was shocked to the point that I started to walk quickly avoiding any eye contact.

Suddenly someone grabbed my wrist which made me perplexed and scared at the same time. I turned to see the guy who I bumped into,

'Y/n calm down! Just play cool, they won't bully you!' I thought before looking up.

"Excuse me!"  I glared at him.

"Are you new here? You seem lost."  He inquired, as he let go of my wrist. 

"Umm... yeah." I replied, hesitantly. 

"Oh wow.. That's great, it has been long since we had a transfer student.He said, looking around with a confused face. 

"Annyeong, I am Hoseok." He introduced himself with a smile. I could not stop looking at his smile, it was really heart-shaped. He did not... look like a person who would bully someone.

"Hello i am Y/N." I smiled back hoping I did not let my guard down.

"Y/N! Nice to meet you Y/N." He said cheerfully.

 'Ahh.. he really is handsome.'  I thought. I noticed myself staring at his face for quite a long while, I came back to my senses and

"Yeah, nice to meet you too! Can you please help me to find the teachers desk, I am lost." I asked.

"Sure, you will find it in the end if the hallway on the right side."  I did not go that far during the two rounds, I roamed around the same block twice.

I thanked him and started to run down the hallway. Finally finding a room full of teachers stopped in the entrance catching my breath.

"Y/N!" I heard a teacher with a pair of glasses call.

Taking a seat opposite her, I was asked to fill a form as she went through my school documents. After a few minutes, I returned the filled form, she went through that as well and she told me about the class schedule. Attentively listening to her, I nodded to everything she said till the bell rang.

"Y/N, let go the bell has rung!" She said, as she stood up and asked me to follow me outside the room.

Walking through the hallway full of classes on either side she stopped in front of a class and told me to come inside when she calls. I nodded and stood outside fiddling with my figures not being sure about the future.

The class became quiet as she got in. She informed the class about me and told me to come in. I nervously stepped in. As I was standing in the front, the whole class was staring at me with curious eyes. 

"Hello everyone my name is Y/N, I hope we get along well!" I managed to say even if it was awkward. I was staring at the opposite wall the whole time. I could not make eye contact with anyone, it just felt weird. 

The teacher cut out the awkward silence.

"Y/N, you can sit on the second-last bench in the third row," she said pointing it.

I obeyed her and started walking by the people who were apparently my classmates. I got to my seat and tried to relax when I felt someone poking my back.

"Hey beautiful!"

Annyoung ppl... Finally!!! This is my first fanfiction. I will update the next chapter soon. I hope you enjoy it and stick with me till the end.😁💜

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