Chapter 1 - Allen Coldwell

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"Hey, Allen. You've been staring too much. Just what do you see in that girl!?"

A frustrated sigh came out from the blonde girl-Calia. She looked at her friend, Allen Coldwell, who now seemed lovestruck and giving the doe eyes towards a girl named Bella Schneider-a pathetic sight to see, honestly, even painful at best. Everyone in this campus is aware of Allen's obvious crush on the beautiful young lady. Because of his actions, most people labeled him as a creep. 

Bella is known as the most beautiful girl in this school. If she were a royalty, her beauty would attract every single males in the country, including ones from different continents. Unfortunately, she isn't one from a high status, she is a commoner. Due to this, most people discriminate her.

Without money and power, she's one of those people that others likely prey upon. However, because of her unique beauty, she has a lot of admirers. Although being admired is nice, Bella is often a victim from others who has bad intentions, especially those with unhealthy obsessions towards her. Since she's a commoner, these individuals tend to be shameless and harrass her endlessly. 

Allen's friend, Ryan, shook his head with disapproval. "Calia is right, man. I didn't mind this at first, but now it's getting out of hand! So I advice you to stop!"  

Allen scowled, obviously annoyed at his two friends. "I'm just staring at her, it's not like I'm gonna harm her or anything." he drawled.

The both of his friends looked at him as if he's a lost cause. Allen's crush is already turning into obsession. And of course, he isn't aware of how concerning his actions are, and it causes them great trouble. If only they knew how handful Allen was, they wouldn't have agreed being friends with him. 

Ryan slid a hand through his own blue hair, clearly stressed. Seriously, Allen had no idea how much distress he's causing to everyone around him. "Allen, I don't think you're aware of how concerning this is. Your behavior is unsettling-Moreover, outright creepy...." he pointed out, leaning forward to the table. "There's a possibility that your stalking might evolve to something..." he trailed off, a bit careful in choosing his words, "...extremely scary." 

"Ryan, you're just overthinking. There's no way I'll turn into some creep. And seriously, I'm not stalking her." Allen chuckled, shoving off his friend's thoughts. He acted like everything wasn't a big deal.

The eyebrows of his two friends knitted together in a frown. 

"Allen." Ryan's eyes narrowed, his voice becoming stern, "You're obviously stalking her. Everywhere she goes, you're always there following her." 

Calia nodded in agreement when he said that. "Uh huh. If you continue that way, you might even go far—like barging in her house, sniffing her clothes and stuff." she added, trying to refrain from showing her disgust.

No matter what, she must get on Allen's good side, or else they will lose a benefactor from his family. Her family had gained a lot of profit thanks to their investment and support, she cannot afford to lose any of that. So instead, she will just endure hanging out with him for the sake of money. In all honesty, she doesn't really care if anything happens to Allen, but his actions are going to drag them in danger. And that, she cannot just standby and get themselves mauled by Bella's protectors. 

Ryan is also the same. Like her, he also remains with Allen, because the Coldwell Family also provides him great benefits and goods of high quality. He honestly found Allen as someone talentless and a sad sight to see, a disappointment at that. Although Allen is a weak link, Ryan knew that the other members of the Coldwell family are wise, intelligent, and competent enough to match his ideal standards. 

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