10: See me

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You can't see me

Jungkook slept without telling taehyung about it, whole time when he was awake he was thinking about how will Taehyung react to it.

Will he confront him?

Yell at him?

Will ask him to rush the car at max speed to Busan?

Will end whatever comfortable situation they had with each other?

Jungkook didn't know when those thoughts paused and he slipped into sleep.

The thick sunlight was warming up the room and Jungkook felt like burning under that fat banket. He took some turns and twists in bed and threw the blanket off him. He took some more turns realizing that he cant get to slumber anymore. A sigh left his mouth and he opened his eyes. The room was brightly light up and there was pin-drop silence.

Jungkook sat upon his position and look around. Where the hell was he? He thought before memories came back (without a toast).

He realized that Taehyung was not in the room. He sighed in his sleepy state again and climbed off the bed. The room was deeply quiet, he walked to the bathroom and knocked twice.

No response.


"Did taehyung found out about what happened last night and he went Busan without me!?" Jungkook spoke out his thoughts. "Did he take my car away!" Jungkook felt like getting hit by something. He wore his shoes and ran to the door, opening it.

He was in so much hurry that when he ran out of the door he ran into someone.

He bumped into somebody, somebody muscular than him, making him stumble back but before he could fall on the ground some hands around him made him halt.

But the man standing in front was not holding him, he was himself in shock and yelled out "sorry".

Jungkook stayed in shock for some seconds before he felt support on his whole body, something was in contact with his back and butt. He turned around to see Taehyung's face close, his back against Taehyung's chest, Taehyung's hands around him, and his butt resting on Taehyung's bent knee.

Jungkook came to reality by the weird closeness and stood straight up.

"I'm really sorry," the taller and huge guy in front said. Jungkook and Taehyung gulped at him.

"i-its okay, I'm sorry too, I was the one running" Jungkook found himself shutting, he didn't know what made him flutter, was it the macho guy in front or the closeness with Taehyung he just witnessed?

Taehyung eyes went to Jungkook, narrowed, when he heard him fumble out words and sound shy, he noticed the Younger's pink cheeks making him think of what was in the guy in front of them had which he didn't.

"I should go, see you around pretty boy." He smiled gently towards Jungkook and turned to Taehyung "and thank you so much, gentleman" he bowed before he walked out leaving Taehyung and Jungkook without words.

"you okay?" Taehyung asked the younger.

"I don't think so, was...was that john sena?" Jungkook eyes were still on the spot from which the guy just left. He stared at it shyly.

"who?" Taehyung countered, his expression was screaming 'what even is that?'

Jungkook's reply was with a shocked expression he gasped and placed his hand on his chest to seem like he is hurt. He sighed when he didn't see any progress in Taehyung "dude! 'you can't see me', you know" Jungkook waved at himself on face doing some action and it was going above Taehyung head.

"but I Can see you, if you are trying to sing that song then it's 'can't you see me' okay?" Taehyung said, putting up a finger like he is stating important facts.

"oh god Taehyung you are useless" Jungkook shook his head after facepalming and this time Taehyung gasped and put his hand on his chest.

"I'm useless? Then guess what Jungkook! You are super useless! Can you even tell me where are we and why are we still so many kilometers away from Busan?!" Taehyung said, annoyed and didn't miss how Jungkook's face paled.

"you know!?"  

Thinking of making taekook version of my jjk ff 😌😌

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