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Chapter 10

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The following week of school seemed to go by quickly, with minimal to no major interruptions for Diana. It wasn't long before it was Thursday afternoon and she was seated in the art room painting Alex as if nothing had happened.

Alex had come in as usual with a different girl. Diana had waited patiently for her to finish whispering sweet-nothings into the other girl's ear. Thankfully, they didn't spend too long and before long, the girl was gone.

"You're on time," Diana said once Alex had settled down.

"Am I? Who would have thought."

The next few moments after that were a bit awkward. It was weird what had happened at Tracey's and Diana didn't know what to feel. She definitely did not want Alex to talk about it, but Alex seemed to read her mind at that moment.

"You never answered my question," Alex said, speaking up. "Why do you work an overnight shift?"

"You're not very good at taking a hint, are you?" Diana asked in reply. "It's none of your business."

"Except I think it is my business though, I don't want to send incomplete portraits to colleges because my painter was murdered after her overnight shift at a cafe."

Diana stared at Alex for a moment but couldn't read anything in her expression that suggested whether or not she was being serious with her response. Ultimately, she decided to ignore it.

They didn't say much to each other for the next few moments, just Diana giving the usual directions. Thankfully, Alex was cooperating without much of a fuss, which led Diana to conclude that she probably still felt guilty about the comment she had made the other day and was still trying to make it up to her.

"So...how do you spend your days?" Alex asked once again, interrupting the silence.

"How do I spend my days?"

"Diana, I'm just trying to make small talk. I don't want to have to sit completely still in silence."

Diana tried not to think of how nice her name sounded coming from Alex. It was a weird and out-of-place thought that just seemed to pop in her head. She shook her head slightly, as if trying to shake the thought out.

"It probably would do you good if you didn't talk, seeing as I'm painting you." But Diana still went on to answer the question. "I don't really do much. Just school and work and home."

Alex nodded her head. "Do you go to the games?"

Diana looked slyly at her from behind the canvas. "Not really, but I will be at the next one. I have to take pictures for the yearbook." Diana felt her mood drop thinking about it. Being in a place crowded with people was definitely not her scene.

"Well, I'd be playing at the game," Alex said, causing Diana to give her a strange look.

"Of course you will be, you're the star of the show." Diana had said that half-seriously, half-mockingly, but was rather surprised to see that Alex's usual light brown skin had now turned a bit pink. Almost as if she were shy.

"Are you okay?" Diana asked, still looking at the other girl in confusion.

"I'm fine," Alex said quickly, refusing to look directly at her, "so what's being in the yearbook club like?"

"What's being in the yearbook club like?" Diana asked amusedly, repeating Alex's question to her.

"I'm just trying to make small talk."

Diana sighed softly, returning her attention to the painting before her. "It's okay. I'm not really that involved, I just take the pictures."

"Cool," Alex replied, but her reply was a bit distant. For the rest of the session, Diana painted her in silence.

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