Meeting with the Hokage

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Naruto sat outside the Hokage's office anxiously fidgeting, seemingly unable to be still for more than a second. He was waiting for the Sandaime's current appointment to finish, so he could talk to him further about his heritage and the Kyuubi. All that had been said the previous night was merely confirming what Naruto had already found out from his Father. The Sandaime was especially adamant that the blonde knew he absolutely was in no way, the Kyuubi itself.

However, the Hokage had left him both confused and worried about what was going to happen in this meeting. The old man had spent the entire time the previous night, going from looking downright angry to incredibly sad, as Naruto recounted the events of that night, and the reasons behind his thoughts at the time. Although the blonde didn't quite understand why the Sandaime was reacting to his explanation in the way he was, this wasn't what troubled him the most. It was what the Hokage had said as the meeting finished. It was after he had been dismissed and wished a good night, and was on his way out of office, just closing the heavy double doors behind him as he left when he heard the Sandaime mumble in an unusually serious tone.

"There are going to be some long overdue changes in this village. I wont stand for the blatant defilement of a hero's dying wishes any longer."

Initially, Naruto began to conjure up thoughts of the Sandaime ordering the execution of 'The Demon'. But as quickly as the thought had slithered into his mind, it was crushed by his own faith in the old man. Regardless, it was a fairly ominous statement and it had Naruto wondering at the possibilities.

Fortunately, he was not left to wonder for very long, as his thoughts were interrupted by the tell-tale creaking of the the Hokage's office doors. Naruto looked up in curiosity, to catch a glampse of the person that the Hokage had been having such a long meeting with, and was immediately drawn to the woman's striking purple hair. He could tell she was a shinobi, both by the Hitai-ate strapped round her left bicep, and the pure white grip of a katana emerging from behind her right shoulder.

She noticed him looking, and smiled at him as she walked, causing Naruto to double take.. It was relatively unheard of for a citizen of Konoha that he never met before to smile at him as they passed. In fact, he was pretty sure only Iruka-sensei and the Hokage had done that before.

So surprised was he, that by the time he had gathered his thoughts enough to smile back, the woman had already passed by. However before he could dwell on it, he heard a familiar voice beckon him into the office. He got up, and put on his best grin to hide his slight anxiety.

Yuugao couldn't prevent the frown from appearing on her face, after seeing Naruto outside of the Hokage's office. He was so taken surprised just because she smiled at him? It wasn't right.

She couldn't help but feel a slight twinge of guilt at the fact that she hadn't done anymore for him, especially even after she had worked out who his parents were. She could only hope that Kushina-sensei would forgive her.

"But Oji-san, I thought you said it was a secret?"

"It was made a secret for your own protection. Your Father had made many enemies as the Yellow Flash, and most would still be eager to take a shot at him through his only child. However, you are now a Genin, and about to move on to the next stage of your shinobi training where you will be under the supervision of an experienced Jonin. This should deter most potential threats." The Sandaime explained, his eyes monitoring Naruto's reaction carefully.

Naruto frowned. It would mean that finally, he had some chance of at least partially gaining the acceptance he had craved for as long as he could remember. A large part of him was screaming for him to say yes to the Hokage that moment, and bask in any new-found acceptance. However an even larger part had another concern about revealing his heritage.

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