Chapter Twenty

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I groan out loud as I get up at 7am to shower and get ready for school. The margaritas definitely cause up to me as we were at the beach. When the hot water hits my body I sigh because it feel absolutely amazing. I wash my hair and then myself, once I'm done I wrap my robe around myself and head to my closet.

As I thought about what to wear I realized I don't feel like getting all done up for school today. I grab a pair of grey leggings out of my drawer and a pink oversized hoodie that had the pink panther smoking a cigarette. Checking the weather I do a little happy dance because the weather is perfect for my outfit, 55 degrees. I grab my digital pink air force ones and then sit down at my vanity to do my hair. I put some product in so I can comb it out then decide on a sloppy half up half down style with two pieces of hair out in front. I grab my lipgloss and portable charger then my purse.

Nancy knocks on my door and I happily open it for her. "Hey baby doll, I missed you." She hugs me tight and I smile. "I missed you too! I have so much to tell you." Her eyes sparkle with excitement. "You can tell me later today after school. I have a parfait downstairs ready for you next to your backpack." She kisses my cheek then disappears to start house work. I bound down the stairs and grab my bag and the parfait then make my way to my car. My phone pings and I groan because I can't check it right at this exact moment.

Once I'm settled in my car and on the way to the twins house I'm only able to check it briefly at the light. Jarell a name flashes across the screen and I laugh at how nervous I got. I waited until I was in the driveway at the twins house before reading the message.
Jarell: Hey beautiful! It's been a few hours since I've seen you and I've been thinking about what you said to me.
My car door opens and Tia slides in the back the Sophia climbs into the passenger seat. "Hey baby." She turns to hug me but stops short when she looks at me. "What's wrong?" Her smile turns into a frown. Tia pops her head in between the two of us. "Jarell... he uh text me but I'm scared to read it. Will one of you do it?" Sophia's eyes light up and she happily agrees to do it. "Start from where it says 'what you said to me.'" Her voice fills my ears and I have a hard time focusing.
Jarell: Your aura and your energy were very much confident at the party and on the beach. I definitely believe in energy's attract because when I was with you at the bleak hour of 2am riding back to your house I knew in that moment that i needs you in my life. You made me feel alive and then you made me feel grounded and there is no better feeling than that.
She stops and I look over at her to see why. "Oh gosh this is very attractive, girl you did good!" She says with a laugh. "She did great! He's definitely better than Donny in my book." Tia says from the backseat. His face floods my memory and I feel sick to my stomach. "He said he couldn't wait to be with me.. I believed him... why did I believe him?" The tears start to fall and I let them. Sophia hugs me while she tells me it's okay to let everything out. "Donny said he needed me then he played me, in front of everyone. After I was haunted by the fact I never got to see the one closest to me for five years, or that I have to LIVE with the fact that I know he died at the hands of his father.. not knowing anything was better than this miserable bullshit!" I hit the steering wheel.

"Okay tell you what, let's do a half day at school the go get mani pedis." Tia suggest and I agree to it while wiping my face with a wipe. "That sounds great." I start the car and make the short drive to school. I park in my usual spot, close to the front doors of the school, and then make my way inside. When I get to my locker I see Katie standing there. "What the hell do you want?" I ask her before she get the chance to start unwanted problems this early in the morning. "I hope you had fun fucking my boyfriend last night." I snort and that sets her off. The twins come up behind me and I fill them in on what Katie has just informed me. "So apparently I was sleeping with her man last night." Tia rolls her eyes before telling Katie she has the wrong one.

"Ma'am we were at the beach last night until 2am with a very handsome hunk. Your sardine was not with us so please try again." Sophia places a hand on my shoulder. "Oh really?" Katie pulls out her phone. "So this isn't Hailey?" When she turns the phone screen I almost laugh. "Oh baby, he's got you good. That is a photoshopped picture of my face onto Alexis Summers body. I am not nearly as curvy. Also I don't have a tattoo on my hip." The jealous girl looks at her phone again and then at Sophia's phone, she pulled up a picture of Alexis. "Why would he do something like that?" She moves from in front of my locker and I quickly grab my books from inside. "He's crazy love, don't worry he lied to me too." I pat her arm then make my way to my first period.

By the time fourth period rolls around in over being in the same space as Donny. For someone who hates me he sure does like to bug me. All day he's been passing me notes, touching my arms and trying to talk to me. I thank the heavens when the bell rings signaling the end of class, I grab my books and make my way into the flow of students. I feel a hand on my shoulder and I already know it's Donny.

"What?" He frowns at my tone. "Why are you being like this?" I laugh in disbelief while turning to walk away. "Storm come on.. talk to me." I roll my eyes as I turn to face him. "You hurt me Donny, I let you in and you still hurt me. After watching me for years you would think you picked up on my love language by now. GOSH!" He runs his hand through his hair. "Storm I-" I cut him off. "Only my friends can call me that. You've lost that right." Hurt covers his face but it's replaced with anger in the blink of a eye. 

"You know what.. fuck this and fuck you. Your right I did learn one thing, you can't even keep family why did I think you could keep a man.." he walks away from me and I turn away in a blind rage. I'm seething as I walk out the front doors of the school and to my car. I bump into something on the way and I look up to what it was. "What's wrong?" Jarell is staring at me with concern etched on his face. "Can I tell you later? I just need to get out of here.." he nods and we hop in my car, the twins are already in the backseat.

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