in this world of billions

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You don't see the beauty within,
But let me tell you, my love, it's shining bright.
You are more than pretty, you are a gem,
A priceless treasure in my sight.

You feel like the world's against you,
But I see your strength and your grace,
You have overcome so much,
And still manage to light up my space.

You may have made some mistakes,
But they don't define who you are,
In my eyes, you're still captivating,
A breathtaking work of art.

I know sometimes it's hard to smile,
When the weight of the world is on your mind,
But seeing you happy brings me joy,
And it's a feeling that's truly hard to find.

You may think that no one understands,
But I'm here to tell you, I do,
I'm here to listen and help you through,
Because no one else could ever be like you.

So take a breath, my dear,
And let's work through this together,
Because in this world of billions,
There's no one quite like you, ever.

Golden Elegance - Whispers To The JewelWhere stories live. Discover now