17. Confrontation

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Next Day (Third Person POV)

Advik was in his office cabin repeatedly contemplating about his feelings and Pari. He had acknowledged his love and tenderness for Pari and know he just wanted to confront Pari and spill what his heart desired however there was a transformation in Pari's deportment because of which Advik was hesitating.

Gosh! You are a CEO for god sake. How the hell do you administer an enormous company when you are feeling terrified to express your deep affection to the girl you love. Advik whisper yelled to himself. A defeated sigh left his mouth and again he absorbed himself in thoughts of Pari.

His heart now wanted more, instead of daydreaming about Pari, Advik wanted to hold her and confront her bravely. He wanted to know what she feels about him.

"Excuse me Sir, May I come in." It was none other than Pari who came inside Advik's cabin after knocking repeatedly but received no response.

"Yeah! Come inside Pari." Advik spoke embarrassingly. His ears were red and there was a minimal tint of red hue on his cheeks.

"Sir, I wanted to submit these files to you. Now I'll take my leave. Thank You!" Pari answered professionally and was about to leave the cabin when Advik came out of his trance and instantly stood in front of her.

"Pari wait, I have to tell you something---"

"Sir, I am sorry but I am a bit busy, I have to go." Pari whispered trying hard to control her emotions. Her hands were fisted tightly, with a sigh she pushed past Advik but within a fraction of second, Pari was shoved against the wall.

She took few seconds to realise that her current position with Advik was a bit intimate. However it was for the first time that instead of shaking like a leaf she was feeling secure in his cage. Advik's arms were on the walls locking up Pari in between. There legs were slightly touching and the distance between their lips was of just a few centimetres.

"Advik---" Pari whispered but was cut off by Advik.

"Pari please why are you ignoring me? What have I done that you are distancing yourself from me?" Advik spoke. His eyes were searching for the affection which once used to be there in Pari's eyes.

But now the person standing in front of Advik was blank. Pari was once again--- feeling alone.

"Mr Advik I said leave me. You are crossing your limits. Right now, I am a mere employee of yours and you are my boss. Don't forget that." Pari mumbled. She was trying hard to push Advik but all in vain. 

"What the hell did you say?" Advik was feeling aghast. He was unable to comprehend the meaning of each and every word coming out of Pari's mouth. All those words were like needles piercing Advik's heart.

Advik tightly wrapped his one arm around Pari's waist, while with his other arm he cupped Pari's jaw tightly.

"I am crossing my limits really? Pari what's wrong with you? I wanted to apologize because of my yesterday's behaviour and wanted to confess ---" Advik said but before he could properly profess his feelings Pari interrupted him in between.

"Then go and confess, Go, I don't care okay! Do whatever you want, first you hurt me and then you ask forgiveness for it. Yesterday the entire day, you were ignoring me like I mean nothing to you. For you the only person who mattered was Muskan. Then go to Muskan why are you even bothering me. I have keenly observed that how she was clinging to you and how she engulfed you in her arms. I know that she is different and in no way can be compared to me but I never thought that you would forget me in her presence.

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