Chapter 7: The second task

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"Harry we have only 1 day left until your second task, read some books or just do something" Hermione was stressed. "A book probably won't help me to hold my breath for an hour 'mione" Harry was slowly giving up.

Day of the task

Luckily Harry got a Gillyweed from Nevillie that will help him to breathe underwater. When they started all the contestants jumped into the water, except for Harry he had to be pushed by a few people. He struggled a little with the Gillyweed, it was hurting him, but soon enough he figured it out. He let Ron be put underwater for him to save since he didn't really have anyone else. Cedric put Cho Chang underwater, Viktor chose Hermione and Fleur wanted to save her sister. Soon dumbledore announced that Fleur had to quit.

Harry was looking through the lake to find Ron. After quite a while he found him. He struggled with the rope but eventually he got it. He looked at Fleurs sister who was hanging there unconsious and not knowing what's going to happen. Harry thought about it, he might risk his life, but he thought it was worth a try if he could safe an innocent life. So he untied her too and started swimmig up. He felt how he started to get weaker and weaker. He couldn't give up now. He pushed the two up so they'd be safe for now. Then he had to focus on his own safety. He felt somethimg pulling him down. He tried to swim against it but whatever that was, was stronger than Harry. He was searching for his wand but it must have fallen out somewhere. He looked around, no wand.

Cedric came out as first and now he just waited for the others, especially Harry, to come out too. He started getting worried when Harry didn't show up. "Hey there they are!!!" someone yelled, but it wasn't Harry and Ron, it was Ron and Fleurs little sister. Of course Fleur was super happy that Harry safed her sister but Cedric couldn't see Harry. A few minutes later many people thought that Harry drowned. "Fuck, Harry common" Cedric whispered to himself. "You're worried, aren't you?" Hermione asked. "Well obviously." "You like him am I right?" she asked and before Cedric cold answer the question someone interrupted them. "Look, in the water!!" someone screamed. Cedric ran over and looked at what they found. "That's Harry's wand, fuck. He's in trouble" Cedric gave his towel to Hermione and took of his shirt. "Cedric what the hell are you doing?" Hermione asked in shock. "Saving your best friend obviously" Cedric answered and jumped into the water. Everyone was shocked, even dumbledore.

Cedric had no clue where Harry was also he didn't have his bubble-charm anymore wich gave him less time. He was stressed looking for Harry. When he turned around he could see Harry's body, he wasn't moving. He swam to Harry as fast as he could, his heart was beating in an unhealthy speed. Cedric felt like he's right before having a heart attack. When he reached Harry he tried shaking him, wich didn't work. He grabbed him and swam up. Some people helped him get Harry out of the water. "We need some towels over here! Get towels please!" Dumbledore yelled. Cedric was next to Harry and didn't know what to do. No he couldn't die. Not yet. He tried doing CPR even though he didn't really know how to do that. "Come on, Harry. Breathe. Breathe!" Cedric started to cry a little. Everyone tried to calm Cedric down who blamed everything on himself. Suddenly Harry spit out water. He coughed a little until he looked at Cedric. Cedric was visibly reliefed. "God Harry, I was so worried about you" he said and gave him a tight hug. "Wha-, wot?" Harry asked confused. "Cedric just saved your life you dumbass" Hermione. "Bloody hell mate that was pretty impresive Cedric" Ron said.

"Silence" Dumbledore screamed "since Harry over here rescued two people instead of one and risked his own life he'll get the second place. And Cedric over here will get 60 points for Hufflepuff because of his selflessness and bravery." he announced. Everyone cheered "Now bring Harry to the hospital wing to see if everything's alright. Well done Mr. Diggory." Dumbledore told Cedric.

"Thanks, I really don't wanna know how this would have ended without you." Harry said while they were walking. "No problem mate, but you scarred the shit out of me." Cedric said "How do you feel" he continued. "Fine, as far as you can feel fine after almost drowning." Harry chuckled.

"But why did you safe me?" he asked.

"What? Why wouldn't I safe you, you are the boy who lived. No seriously, I'm glad I safed you now let's go" Cedric answered.

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