chapter thirty-nine

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Marco's POV

Sage left early, she has never stopped training for a second. She is nervous, not about the mission itself but the people that will die.

There are bound to be deaths, that is what is scary she will jump in as soon as she sees someone is down or hurt. Not thinking of the consequences.

I headed downstairs, breakfast was ready to be survived, it was just me, ma, pa, and Rezo. Everyone had disappeared. "Good Morning sir" I nodded and sat at the head of the table with my papa on the other side.

"Good Morning everyone" they all smiled "Marco, is everything planned for next week" I stopped eating "Pa it is not your problem, I have it handled" he just kept eating.

"What about Sage?" why is everyone invested "She will be coming with us, she is trained." he nodded "Be careful figlio" he kept eating, "Will you be joining us tonight" they looked confused

"People are coming over, a 'get together' as Sage put it" they weren't that surprised, Sage loved doing things and always had a new idea. "Well see you there" I got up and left.

Figure why not do some training. I put on some shorts and headed to the gym. Walking in there was Lucia, Luca, and Emberlyn "What are you doing" their heads turned. Sage was in the middle of "Competition" She picked up a knife and threw it

"Target practice" Sage walked over and pulled me in "I didn't know you were going to be working out with us" I pulled her to my side "I figure I shouldn't be rusty on the field"

Sage took on Lucia, they went at it. Sage was getting really good, still needing practice after a little Lucia pinned her. I decided to do cardio most of the time. I did a couple of sore workouts but mostly running, jumping, all in one.

After about a good hour. We all headed to get change. Sage as always wants me to race her to the room. I walked up, she was already in the shower. I stripped down and stepped in "Nice for you to join"

She was the definition of a water hogger, sometimes I swear she didn't on purpose. She had finished washing her hair, and body then finally stepped out the way. "Thank God" she hit me on the shoulder "You take forever" she laughed

You would think the shower is a great time to spend time, it's mostly us fighting over the water, or who gets through the door first. Is just hugging me while I wash my hair. We both got out, well Sage got out first.

I headed to get changed, we needed to pick up some things for tonight. Mainly liquor, Sage wants balloons but we aren't getting any. She also wants candy which we will get because we have to get gas.

Getting changed, we heard a knock, Sage was already changed. She decided to answer it, "Is Marco in here" she opened the door "Yes" he walks towards me "Today are you planning to get those papers signed for the bar" Fuck I told Rezo to handle it "Emberlyn I will have them to you, now leave"

"We need our own house" she laughed "Yea agreed" I walked over "You want a house" she nodded "I mean yea me, you, kids maybe, I could see it" I was planning to ask her to marry me in a couple of days but I decided to ask her after our mission, it was just a lot as it is.

We had got everything we needed, and ice cream Sage was 'craving' it, so she threatened to make us crash if she doesn't get one. She wouldn't but I don't want to test her. When we got home people were already there. My guys took the alcohol out and put it inside. We walked in and there were about 15 people.

We all sat down talking, drinking. Sage went to find Liz and some other people. For once we were here together, no work or a new thing to get done. Just all of us, my close friends together. Sage has really changed my life.

Sage chose not to drink tonight, she said she doesn't need to act a fool in front of all of these people, but she was always a fool at work. She would skip the halls and sing when bored. People got used to it after a while.

Our mafia, our family is not the same old everyone is cold and rude and closed off no. We all have personalities. We just tend to forget that, we were only rude and cold when needed. We are still are the Mafia it's not sunshine and rainbows.

I had forgotten who I was a while back when I lost my first brother, not a real brother but he was my close friend. He died to protect me, then I lost more and killed more. Eventually, I just stopped caring and I still don't not about some things but Sage and family.

We heard a loud bang from outside, everyone pulled out their guns. Sage walked through the door everyone pointed it at her "Lower your weapon, fucking idiots" she laughed "Sorry Amore we heard something"

"Oh yea, someone hit a car, and well ya" she walked away back to Liz. "You are one lucky guy boss" Cayden spoke "When are the kids" Luca added "Everyone shut up and drinks or something"

As the night played out, everyone was either drunk or tipsy. Luca crashed on the stairs. Lightweight. Everyone drove home or drove someone home. There were a couple of cars at the house, like two maybe.

It wasn't a party but people like to drink, can you blame them it's probably their last time, and that was the truth.

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