Chapter Five - Boyfriend

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(TW- mention of assault)

"Then I'll try to be on my best behavior. For you."

. . .

It was below freezing out and you were walking to work. You had woken up to an empty townhouse and no car outside, so you assumed that Andie had gotten home late and gone to work early that day. It was a little strange to you. He had never missed driving you to class or work without telling you.

You had on three layers- a white button-up, a black jumper, and a coffee-brown duffel coat- but you still felt the biting cold. When you finally reached the parking lot of the hospital, you ran inside, desperate for some warmth. Your relief from being out of the freezing winds was immense, but it was slightly undercut by the fact that you were almost thirty minutes late. You walked briskly past Dani, waving, and went to put your bag into your locker. After you picked up Ocean's breakfast, a pre-cut banana alongside scrambled eggs and toast, you realized you hadn't taken off your duffel, and your white coat was still in its plastic dry-cleaning bag in your locker. You facepalmed and decided to just go back later.

When you entered Ocean's room, he was awake, sitting on the bed. He seemed excited to see you, and it made you happy.

"Good morning, Ocean," you beamed but didn't forget to ask, "can I sit?"

He nodded eagerly and watched as you took a seat next to him. You slipped out of your wool coat and set it down behind you.

"I thought you weren't coming."

"Sorry, I got here late today," you said apologetically, breaking up the toast. "Don't worry, I'll always come to see you."

You started feeding him, as was routine by now, giving him sips of water every now and then. He was quiet as he ate, which wasn't unusual for him, and you hummed a little to fill the silence.

"I like you without the doctor's coat," he said as he swallowed the last bit of bread, giving you the very first smile you had seen from him. He probably wasn't used to smiling, as it was a little awkward, but he looked so cute when he smiled, you thought. It was incredible how a person could be intimidating one day and then sweet the next. 

"Really?" you asked, sticking the fork into a piece of egg.

He gave you a mhm of agreement, mimicking your speech. "It makes you look more relaxed." 

"I won't wear it today, then, if you like that better."

Just as you were getting ready to leave, your phone rang from the pocket of your coat. Ocean's eyes flicked to it.

"Oh, sorry, Ocean," you frowned and took the phone out. It was Andie. 

"Who is it?"

"Don't worry, I'll call them back later," you answered, turning it on silent mode.

"Can you please tell me who it is?" he asked again, sounding anxious.

"It was just my boyfriend. He-"

"What?" he snapped, his face darkened. You felt your entire body go stiff.

"I knew it. You're like her- you're just like her," Ocean choked out, his breathing erratic. He veered towards you like he wanted to attack you but pulled himself away, charging at the door and slamming into it. He tried to break the glass with his head but was shoved back when the door swung open. Two doctors rushed in, one holding a syringe of what you assumed to be sedative. Your fear was instantly gone as you stepped in front of Ocean. He was stronger than he looked, and you struggled to stop him from lunging at the doctors.

ANIMAL | a yandere!mental patient x doctor!readerWhere stories live. Discover now