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Emmets pov:
After my little love has told us quit shyly I might add, that she wants us to turn her today I was absolutely ecstatic! We of course have hoped that she one time will allow us to change her into a vampire. Simply because that's the only way for us to spend all our existence with her! But never in my wildest believes would I of thought that she already loves and trusts us enough to let her change her this early in our relationship. The only sad thing was for her to be so frightened that we might not like her to join us as a vampire. Guess we will have to tell her even more often how much we love her and how she is our whole entire world! After the witch twins instructed her to please fall asleep as fast as possible, her mom hugs her tightly.
„I will be waiting right next to you. Just do as your siblings told you. I am really proud of you sweetheart. That's a very big step and an even braver one." she softly says as she lovingly caresses her face. Afterwards she kisses her forehead with such care and love that it's really obvious what her daughter means to Emma.
„Take care of yourself. Love you!" my little love reply's just as heartfelt. Next was Marcus who pulled his newly found daughter into his chest to hug her once more before he will only be able to do so after she finished her transformation into a vampire.
„Come here young one." Aro says as he hugs his niece and only a second later Caius does follow suit before they step away from the bed all together. Alec has already taken his position at the end of the bed, his sister like always next to his side. They both look rather anxious that their idea won't work. Still I will forever be grateful for even thinking about it as well as trying their theory.
„No worry princess. We will stay by your side no matter what. I love you." Jasper whispers as he caresses her soft cheeks before kissing our mates kissable lips. When he pulls away slightly, he smiles once more reassuringly at our lovely mate. Hopefully Alec's gift will work on my sweet love! I after all can't stand the slightest possibility that she will have to go through the same excruciating pain we all had to. When I get slightly tackled from the front I look up slightly irritated at what just happened. The second my eyes fall onto my little love though, I only smile with pure love at her. Of course my beautiful mate will help me out of my inner worry even when she is seconds away from going through an extreme change!
„You weren't reacting as your brothers kept on calling your name so I put matters in my own hands." she pretty giddily says as she nuzzles her head into my neck which makes me purr lowly right away. Loving to have her this close to me. Knowing that the others are already waiting for us to finish already, I softly kiss her sweet lips lovingly.
„I love you my love. And I can't wait to spend the rest of our existence together with you." I tell her and hug her once again softly into my body. Sadly this moment had to go over way too soon. So with a heavy sigh and one more soft peck on my loves lips, I lay her back down on Carlisle's bed.
„I will see you right when you open that gorgeous eyes of yours again." I softly tell her and hear her happy giggle. So of course I kissed her lips again! How couldn't I!?
„Ok. I am ready." she says with a soft smile on her now slightly swollen lips from all the kissing. Carefully my brothers and I scoot onto the bed so we can bite her at the same time.
„Don't forget to try to fall asleep little one!" Marcus yet again reminds her just as we bite her delicate and soft skin. The sweet taste of her blood makes me shudder in awareness. I however was luckily able to pull right away from her soft skin and delicious blood after injecting my venom into her. Alec who has seemingly waited for exact that moment quickly sends his black fog towards my little love who simply sighs softly as her eyes fall shut. When after five minutes her body still lays calmly on the bed and she seems to be peacefully asleep we sigh in utter relief. We all knew that it would of broken our hearts to see our beautiful mate withering in pain. So seeing her sleeping this sweetly is the best gift ever. Hopefully she will go through her whole transition without any pain, I definitely hope so!
„Seems as if it is really working Alec. That's just incredible!" Carlisle says with another thankful nod towards a very concentrated looking Alec.
„Thats such a relieve! Thank you my boy!" Marcus states and smiles thankfully at a shyly smiling Alec who however still keeps his full focus on his little sister, my wonderful mate!
„How long is this change going to take now anyway?" Emma asks into the room as she carefully takes a seat on the bottom of the bed. One of her hand softly holding her daughters leg and Jane softly lays one on her shoulder. That gets her an appreciative smile in return right away. Those four truly act like a tightly knitted family and that even though they only met a week prior.
„Usually it takes around three days. Some take even up to four days, it depends on how strong the human is as well as how powerful the newborn vampire will be." Marcus explains quietly to his mate while his eyes still keep on his daughters comfortable sleeping form.
„And Clair definitely is going to become a really powerful vampire, of that I am sure. She after all already was able to hear like a vampire, something that has been completely unheard of." Jane further explains Emma. Seeing everyone within this room nod at that part makes her look slightly irritated.
„Does that mean it will take her longer or shorter to turn than?" she questions seemingly lost what this might mean for her beloved daughter. The soft chuckles from Aro and Caius slightly calm the atmosphere around the room.
„It usually shortens the time. Still it's not a one hundred percent assurance. Sadly." Caius softly answers this time. Of course we all want to answer whatever questions our mates mother might have. It's the least we all can do while we can only wait for our beautiful mate to wake up again.

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