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Today I found the book of love-story
In which I used to imagine you and me
Covered with the dust of vivid memories

Old cover, torn pages yet felt like new
Still, I got excited about the ending
Even though I already knew
Turning the pages, I smiled, remembering
how I wished that story to come true

Suddenly something caught my eyes
Some folded papers and rose that has dried
Do you know what was written there?
They were some letters from me to you
Some letters I never sent so you never knew

From the day that we met, the day I fell in love
I knew I won't be able to stand in front of you
And confess the feelings I have
So I inked what I feel, turned them into words
Wrote everything that I once buried inside me
Hoping maybe one day you'll read them
and then we'll have our own story
Too naive, wasn't I?

I used to write you letters every day
Till I realised you'll never read them
Cause I'll never be able to send them
So I stopped writing them

How many times my mind told me
to burn them but I couldn't
Instead, I burned myself in misery and pain
I put them in this book with the rose
and kept them away from my sight
Still couldn't forget doesn't matter how hard I tried

But now I wonder what if I had sent them?
Would you've read or thrown them away?
What if I tell you everything I couldn't say?
Guess now it doesn't matter as it's too late
or maybe it was just my fate

Now things aren't like they were back then
the ink has faded, the rose has lost its scent
Days passed, things changed and people too
But the thing that still didn't change is
what I feel for you


Hello, my lovely readers!!! How you have been? So a new part is updated after so long! Thank you so much for your support and Thank you my friend for helping me always!
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Love ya all💕

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