Part 5

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Marinette smiled as she boarded the plane that would take her class to Gotham. True, she wasn't escaping the class, but this trip would likely be the most relaxed she'd been since before Hawkmoth had appeared.

Chloe gave her the window seat and sat next to Mari with Adrian on her other side. "Bruce said that we should sleep as much as we can so that we're less likely to get her lag from the six hour time difference," Mari said, relaxing into her seat.

"Yeah, that's typically how it works. Night."

All three of them easily fell asleep with Mari leaning on Chloe, Chloe leaning on Adrian, with Adrian's head resting atop Chloe's.

It was only once they were landing that Mari woke, and she was surprised to sat the least. She hasn't slept for that long since she received the Lady bug miraculous.

"Angel, how'd you sleep? You were out for longer than you've ever been since I met you!"

"I slept well," she muttered. "Can we talk in a couple of hours? I'm about to deal with Liar-la and her posse."

"Sure I'll be here if you need me."

"Thanks, Demon." Chloe shot her a look. "What?" Mari asked. "Not all of us got a sunshiney model like you. Lets go, Lila's likely going to try to get us left behind."

Marinette was right, and Lila almost managed it. Luckily, Adrian noticed and led them into the bus just before their last classmate got on. They climbed on and several people stuck their feet out to trip the bluenette.

It didn't matter though, because the trio decided to sit at the front of the vehicle. The bus ride to the Wayne Hotel was quick and they were soon receiving their room assignments. Mari and Chloe got a room at the end of the hall with Nino and Adrian in the room across the way.

The girls collapsed on their beds, filled with relief that they hadn't had to deal with Liar-la lies on the way there.

As soon as Mari hit the bed, she fell back asleep and Chloe couldn't figure out how to wake her up. She sighed, deciding just to let the other girl sleep.

"Marinette! You're going to be late!" Mari was up and moving towards her suitcase before she even registered who was yelling. It was Chloe. "I wish I'd known that would work last night," she muttered.

"Wait, what do you mean by 'last night'? You mean I slept for..." She looked at the clock. "Nineteen hours yesterday!?" Chloe nodded and Marinette groaned. "I was supposed to talk to Demon again after we got here."

"He can wait until you eat something. You missed two meals yesterday."

"Chloe! He's probably worried sick!" the young lady complained.

"I'm not hearing it. If you're not dressed and downstairs for breakfast in fifteen minutes, I'm not buying you any fabric for the whole trip."

Mari's eyes widened and she darted off to get ready. Chloe smirked and walked downstairs. They had a tour of the Gotham Botanical Gardens today and she was sure that Liar-la would try again to get them left behind.

Marinette came downstairs seven minutes later and grabbed a sausage biscuit. "Bruce says that our tour guide will be here in ten minutes. We're not supposed to leave until they arrive."

"You better eat fast then, Mari. I want you to be done before the tour guide gets here," Chloe informed her. Mari rolled her eyes, but scarfed it down anyway.

"Mari-bug, do you think that you'll meet your soulmate today?"

Marinette was about to answer when two men walked into the lobby of the hotel. One of them looked about their age with the other one looking to be in his late twenties. Both of them had dark hair and sturdy builds.

Chloe looked over at the men just as Adrian walked up. "Adrikins, do my eyes deceive me, or is that Richard Grayson, the adopted son of Bruce Wayne?"

Adrian nodded slightly. "Yeah, that's him."

Marinette spun to face Chloe. Did you just say Grayson?" Chloe nodded and Mari smiled. "Then the answer to your question is a maybe. He is in Gotham. That is for sure."

Before Chloe could reply, Mademoiselle Bustier called the class together. The two young men that the trio had noticed meandered over to the group.

"We'll be your tour guides for the majority of the time that you are in Gotham," the older looking one told Mlle. Bustier. "Let's get going."

I'm sorry about the late update. This one was hard to write for some odd reason. Please comment and tell me what you think!

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