Chapter 6

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"Why should she marry him? He ruined her sister's relationship," Kayden said, his arms crossed as he stared at Elias, waiting for a response. 

"He said he thought she was just leading him on and didn't want Bingley to be hurt," Elias said, his hands folded over the back of his chair as he was turned, his attention on Kayden. 

Their debates in the class had become a common occurrence, and though other people might comment on things sometimes, they mostly stayed quiet just listening to Elias and Kayden working out the topic.

"It was still none of his business meddling in his friend's relationship." 

"Well no, but he apologized and they worked out in the end." Elias shrugged and Kayden rolled his eyes. 

"Yeah, it's a romance, it all had to work out in the end."

"What's your point?"

"Darcy's an a-" 

"Life words, Kayden." Mr. Adler interjected. 

"A conceited and rude person," Kayden said instead.

"Okay, give me examples to prove that argument," Elias said simply and Kayden huffed quietly. Why did it feel like he was on the losing side of another argument?

"He called her ugly to her face and refused to dance with anyone he didn't deem acceptable." 

"Okay, first off, that was forty chapters ago. Secondly, he wasn't picking and choosing people, he's awkward and anti-social, he didn't want to talk to strangers." Elias said back. 

"He's still a prick."

"You're making a straw man argument." 

"Can we talk about the fact that she only fell in love with him after seeing his house though?" Kayden asked and Elias cocked an eyebrow. 

"I'm pretty sure she was just in denial about hating him in the first place." 

"It didn't seem like it. I almost wonder if she just tricked herself into thinking she loved him because she loved his house so much." Kayden said, running his fingers through his hair to push it out of his face. 

"Okay, but can we agree on one thing?" Elias asked and Kayden gave him a skeptical look. 


"Wickham's a creep." 

"Oh, a hundred percent, why is he only ever attracted to fifteen-year-olds? Even considering the time period, that's still uncomfortable. And Mr. Collins is weird, he just straight up didn't accept it when she said no the first five times to his proposal." 

"I flatter myself that your refusal is merely a natural delicacy. Besides, despite manifold attractions, it is by no means certain another offer of marriage will ever be made to you." Elias quoted in a posh British accent.

"He acts like she's not completely out of his league," Kayden snickered.

"Well, if money and status are more important than looks or personality, I could see it. She's on the lower end of wealthy and he'd just come into a large sum of money. Fortunately, Elizabeth married for love-"


"We've already debated it, let me finish," Elias said and Kayden looked like he wanted to say something else, but didn't. "Charlotte made the economically motivated decision, Mr. Collins was safe, but Elizabeth didn't want to marry for safety or security, she refused to marry someone who could only provide for her." 

"What if Darcy was just the better economic decision?" 

"If that was the case, why would she reject him the first time?"

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