chapter four

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"mother fucker" you groan out as you pick up your phone, seeing it's 7:30 in the morning.

"hotch i swear to god if there's another ca-" you begin.

"miss y/l/n it's amy wilson, your dads lawyer? his case is going to trial in two weeks time and you're the only one who can testify in your dads defence. it would mean a lot if you could show up or at least come and see him. he's told me that's you're not replying to his letters-" she says.

you sit up in bed and take a deep breath, "tell my dad i'm not going to be there. he ruined my life and he can stay in prison. tell him to stop contacting me, and while you're at it, take that advice too" you cut her off before hanging up and throwing your phone across the room.

you fight off the tears building up in your eyes and you stand up walking over to your dresser. there sat the photo of you as a child while hugging your mom.

you pick up the photo and rub your thumb over it, "i miss you mom" you whisper to yourself as you give up on fighting, and let the tears fall.

your phone starts ringing and you quickly calm yourself down before picking it up and answering it, "ssa y/l/n" you answer while wiping away some tears.

"we have a case. debriefing in 30" hotch says in his normal monotone voice.

"a-alright" you say about to hang up.

"is everything alright?" he quickly rushes out, and for once his voice doesn't sound stern, it sounds caring.

"uh yeah, everything's fine... just you woke me up. i'll be there soon" and with that you hang up and start getting ready.

with only 30 minutes you have no time to do your full routine so you throw on some slacks with a turtle neck and a blazer on top before rushing out of your apartment complex with your shoes in hand.


"sorry i'm late" you rush out as you enter the conference room and take the only available seat, next to rossi and spencer.

"it's alright. garcia" hotch says.

"alright i know you're all exhausted from yesterday's case but we have a case in alaska. 3 people are dead, 2 men and 1 woman, all of different races" garcia says as she puts the photos up on the screen.

"this unsub is either just killing for the fun or these specific people wronged him considering they're different genders and races" jj shares her theory.

"either way we need to get going. wheels up in 15" hotch says before leaving.

"is everything alright?" rossi asks as you make your way to your desk.

"huh? oh yeah everything's fine" you lie to him.


"i think it's time to deliver the profile" hotch tell us and we all agree before following him out to the main area where the couple of officers are.

"if we could have your attention. we believe the unsub we're looking for is a young adolescent male, possibly between the ages of 15 - 25" hotch starts off.

"at first his choice of victims seemed random and we believed that he might have had an issue with them or they were involved in something, however after further research we discovered that all of the victims were leaving. whether it was for a better job or they were going away, they were leaving" emily continues.

"we believe that he has abandonment issues and that he does have a target in mind, someone who abandoned him so there will most definitely be at least one more victim" you finish off.

"excuse me" you quickly excuse yourself as your phone starts ringing, seeing the number as the correctional facility.

"i told you not to call me anymore-" you start off.

"y/n. it's your dad" he says through the phone in such a sweet tone, maybe if you didn't know what he was capable of you would think he actually was a good father. but you're not stupid.

"don't call me ever again, and certainly don't call yourself my dad. you lost that title ages ago" and with that you hang up.

you turn around and see spencer staring at you but you push it aside and ignore it.


"good job everyone, get home and get some rest" hotch says as we get off the jet, having just got back.

before heading to your car you go to garcia's office, "hey pg did you do that favour i asked?" you ask as you enter her office.

"i sure did! hey- uh who's casey brown?" she asks before you speed out her office, halting when she asks the question.

"it's just someone who's giving me trouble, don't worry about it" you go to walk off, "and garcia, don't mention this to anyone" you sternly say to her as you raise your eyebrows.

"i-i won't" she says however you can't exactly trust her.

"i'm serious garcia. this can't be repeated to anyone" you repeat before jogging off down to your car.


"correctional facility of DC" a middle aged sounding man answers.

"hi my name is y/n y/l/n i work for the fbi, i need to make a visit with casey brown immediately" you tell him.

"reason?" he asks.

"case stuff" you keep it brief.

"if you can be here in 15 minutes you'll have be able to have a 10 minute chat" he tells you.

"i'll be there in 10" and with that you hang up and begin the drive to the one place you told yourself you'd never go, especially not to see him.


"wow, look at you! you're so grown up-" casey begins as he's walked into the meeting room at the prison.

"cut the shit. this," you say as you hold up the government signed document, "is an AVO, meaning if you do get out of prison you can't come near me. if you or your lawyer contacts me one more time, more time gets added onto your prison sentence. if you somehow get in contact with me, more time. i mean it, you lost the right to be called dad years ago. i've made it clear that i don't want to talk to you ever again" you slam the AVO down the table before leaving the prison with a satisfied smile on your face.

you get back to your apartment and shower, the exhaustion from this day and the case catching up to you.

just as you're about to get dressed you hear a knock at the door, "just a minute!" you yell out before quickly tying your robe up again.

you walk out to your living room and open the door.

"spencer? what are you doing here?" you ask as you pull your robe over to cover your chest more.

"we need to talk" he says before pushing his way inside.

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