Chapter 5

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"What do you think I should do?" I ask Will.

"Well," Will begins. "If you're really serious about Isabelle, she should know about your past with Adelyn."


"But- in saying that, if you're not serious about Isabelle... maybe the best thing for you to do is step away. Isabelle and Adelyn have been friends for what- ever?" Will questions.

"Yeah." I agree.

"You have to understand that if Isabelle knows about your past with Adelyn, that could put a knife in their whole friendship"

I lay my head in my hands. "Isabelle is great. I could see a future with her for god sake and I've never seen a future with anyone since-"

"Adelyn." Will answers.

I nod my head. "Adelyn." I agree. "It's just- Adelyn and I never really had a chance. In the end, we were toxic and made each other unhappy."

"You also made each other happier than you've ever been." Will adds.

"For a while the good outweighted the bad... but towards the end- it was- horrific."

Will nods. "Ok. Ask yourself- can you be in a relationship with Isabelle- let's say forever, while having to be around Adelyn your whole life. Could you do that?"

I sigh. "Right now, I don't see how it's possible. There's just so much history."

Will nods his head understanding.

"It's like she'd be right there- so close- but I can't touch her. She isn't mine." Ethan says softly letting his thoughts out.


"Lu." I smile slightly as she walks into the house. Olivia, my older sister, smiles before pulling me into a hug. "I haven't seen you in so long." Olivia breathes out.

"I know." I say as I pull away. "Sorry."

"It's half my fault too." Olivia says. "So where's the new girlfriend? You two must be pretty serious."

I shrug. "In someways."

"Well I haven't heard you talk about a girl since Adelyn Daniels." Olivia chuckles.


"Don't tell me-" Olivia gasps. "She's the new girlfriend?"

"No, she definitely isn't." I say.

"Damn. I was hoping you finally worked through your immature shit." Olivia says.

"I'm actually dating Isabelle Swanson, Adelyn's best friend." I blurt out.

Olivia's mouth flies open. "What the fuck, Ethan. That's messed up on so many levels. You're telling me you've seen Adelyn and haven't hooked up?"

I roll my eyes. "No! We haven't! I don't understand- we aren't in high school anymore. Why is it such a big deal?"

I sit down on the couch. Olivia sighs and sits beside me. "I'm sorry." She apologises.

Olivia sighs. "It's just that- Adelyn is a big part of your story, Ethan. I'm sure you're a big part of her's too. You two were best friends and lovers at the same time. That's hard to find."

"We were also enemies, at the same time."

Sometime over 3 years ago

"Ethan." Adelyn taps me on the shoulder in the hallway. I raise an eyebrow and look around. At the moment not too many eyes were on us.

"What?" I asked rushed. "Did you get what I asked." She whispers. "Really? Now? There's so many people around." I mutter.

"Maybe if you hadn't of left it so late I wouldn't need it so desperately." Adelyn rolls her eyes.

"God, don't roll your eyes at me." I say shoving my bag in my locker.

The bell rings and suddenly students slowly begin to disappear. "Shut up." She replies. "Real mature." I respond. I pull the small box out of my bad and pass it to her.

"Real mature? That's a great thing to say to your fuck buddy as you hand them a plan b."

"Adelyn, you know-" I start. She cuts me off, "Yeah, whatever."

"Do you need a drink or something with that?" I ask awkwardly.

She rolls her eyes again. "I think I've got it from here." Adelyn walks away towards the girls locker room.

I lay my head on my locker.

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