Chapter Twenty-six

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Tw - blood, gore, violence, death and a lot of angst.

The cock-back bounced off the walls and echoed through the air. Synchronised, me and the boys turn around with our hands up in surrender, other than Yoongi who was supporting my weight with one arm.

My breath got lodged in my throat when I noticed someone familiar in front of me with a small pistol pointed directly at my forehead.


As I was about to step forward and talk to Jimin, I felt Yoongi pull my waist in closer to him in a protective manner.

"Jimin? What are you doing?" I question Jimin, completely fathomed by the predicament we were stuck in yet again.

A tear slowly rolled down his cheek as he shifted his finger to the trigger.

"Jimin? What's going on? I thought you were my friend. We helped you escape," I pushed further.

He let out a shaky breath before speaking.

"I can't stay with you."

"Then you can leave, we won't stop you just please- let us mind our own business," I explain.

"No. I won't make it out of here, guards surround the walls. However, if I was to kill you and hand your body over, I can leave this place for the reward of my own freedom."

Namjoon raises his own gun and points it in the direction of Jimin, obviously aware of the situation. Pure betrayal flashed across my face as I looked into Jimin's teary eyes.

"Thank you for rescuing me but I need to go. Don't make this harder for me," he continues whilst holding back his own tears, "I liked you Y/n, you seemed like a genuinely nice person which is rare nowadays."

A tear rolled down my cheek once more and I shook my head refusing to believe the things he was saying to me. The betrayal I felt was unbearable. Out of all the things I had to deal with in my life, from my dad being a criminal to my mom leaving, this was definitely one of the worst.

Someone I trusted, was about to shoot me in the head just so they could buy their way to freedom. They were using me to bail themselves out of jail - using me like money.

"Ji-" I was cut off by a gunshot blasting through the halls and then another coming from my left following directly after it.

My eyes closed tightly in fear, only for me not to feel the piercing stab that I was anticipating. Huh? I peeled my eyes open to see someone's back, they were wearing a plain white t-shirt. Slowly, my gaze went up to see the back of red hair. W-what?

Everyone was looking at Jimin who had now dropped the gun and had his hand holding tightly to his right shoulder that was pouring with blood.

"Y-y/n," Hoseok said as he started to fall backwards but Jin and Namjoon caught ahold of him and placed him down gently on the wooden floor.

I kneeled down to look at him on the floor only to notice a red liquid dampening his shirt and slowly spreading around his stomach area, the white cotton becoming a deep red and one of his hands were pressed tightly down on the bleeding area.

"H-hobi?" I asked as tears started to stream down my face uncontrollably.

"Don't cry," Hobi says as he holds onto my hand tightly with his blood stained hand.

"I'm spending my last moments with my favourite people, my best friends."

More tears cascaded down my red cheeks as I cried uncontrollably, holding in my sobs.

"You're not going to die," I said sobbing violently, unaware of the other boys' sniffles surrounding me.

"Y/n," he said, starting to sound weak, "you know why I did it, you understand. I don't want you to ever blame this on yourself, it was- my own choice."

He let out a wheezy cough before pulling something from around his neck harshly and placing it in my hands and then grasping onto my left hand tightly with both of his hands.

"I want you- to take this," he choked in between his words mid-sentence which made a piece of my heart chip off at his state.

"It may have been o-one-sided Y/n but I still love y-ou and I did this simply for that rea-son," Hobi remarks before starting to bid farewells to his best friends.

"J-jin. I s-still remember that time where I was evicted from my dorm a-and you let me sta-y with you next door. You w-would cook all the be-st foods and I'd ne-ver t-tasted anything like it be-fore," I could hear the life slowly draining from his voice as everyone cried, including Hoseok himself.

"Namjoon, I rem-ember when you had helped me s-study for an english exam b-because I was so sure that I was about to fail but t-then I d-id it! I p-passed," Hobi sniffled as he lay on the floor.

"Y-yoongi... My closest friend, eventho-ugh we hadn't know each other for l-long. Every moment we spent t-together I can rem-ember like it happened ten m-minutes ago... I hope you continue to smile with som-eone, and that someone be Y-y/n, or the rest of the b-boys. Just don't forget about me."

"And take care of Y/n, Yoongi. She's spe-cial," his voice sounds more hoarse as he speaks, "please stay hopeful, you'll all be happy and safe before you know it. Thank you."

Hobi goes quiet and only a few seconds later do I feel his fingers release from my hand and become limp at his side. Only now, could I let out my sobs.

My gaze lifted up and locked onto Hobi's pale face. Sweat still mounted on his forehead and red hair was sprawled gently over it. His eyes were still open and they were glossy with tears but inside, they were empty...

I could feel the weight of the metal necklace and the burden of my best friends death in my hand. Uncurling my fingers, I looked down in my palm to see a small necklace lay comfortably in the palm of my hand.

The charm on it was around the size of a coin and it was in the form of a flower. The centre of the flower was yellow with a cheery, smiling face on it and the petals surrounding were in different colours of the rainbow. It reminded me of Hobi. A red liquid was smudged over my hand and the necklace where Hobi's blood was on my hands...

He had so much to live for but he died and it was all my fault. I never pulled the trigger, but if I hadn't have put my trust in someone I'd just met then the trigger wouldn't have been pulled. Better, if Hoseok hadn't have met me his life wouldn't have been cut short.

He wouldn't be lay here lifeless on the floor of an abandoned school after breaking out of a prison. Hobi deserved better. Jung Hoseok deserved the world.

a/n - not everyone may not have seen the announcement but I did have to put this story on hold for a couple weeks until today, just because of some sudden reasons but hopefully I'm back and I can continue to write so I'm sorry about that.

Also sorry about this chapter, it was really heartbreaking for me to write. Our sunshine deserves so much better. </3

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