Fred Weasley-kisses

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You and Fred hadn't made it official. Your relationship was definitely heading that way but it wasn't there yet. Well that's at least how you felt. He hadn't asked you to be his significant other he just held your hand when no one was around and was also smiling when you were in the same room.

You were sitting in the Gryffindor common room with Ginny and Neville when the twins come darting in and rushing behind the couches. Soon after, Professor McGonagall can storming in. Apparently they set of fireworks in the kitchen and the house elves went crazy.

To on ones surprise, they got detention. Again.

After she let they came a joined you, Ginny and Neville. George jokingly started to tickle you, with Fred joining in not to long after. Your laughs filled the commons room and most people were looking. When you were able to breath a little, you surrendered causing them to stop.

After a while of talking, some random second year near you and your friends started talking bad about the LGBTQ+ community. You tried to focus on your conversation but it was getting to you.

Not being able to hold it in anymore you stood up. "Wanna talk louder kid so we can all hear you?" You asked looking at the little kid. He looked at you and simply responded "I was just saying gay people are gross."

That was the last straw. Before you knew what was happening you grabbed Ginny/George and roughly placed your lips against theirs. An loud collection of gasps was heard through the common room. As you pulled away, you looked at the little kid who was now storming off. You sat back down grinning.

You looked over to Fred and your grin was replaced with a frown. You could see the hurt in his eyes. Regret hit you like a truck.

Fred stood up to leave and you followed behind him. "Fred I'm so sorry. I don't know what came over me!" You should as he walks faster to get away from you. He turned around harshly. "Bad enough you kissed someone, worse it was my sibling!" His yells echoed through the large room.

He stormed away to his room. Your knees hit the floor as guilty washed over you. Your head found your hands and you sobbed uncontrollably.

Lasted that night you went to say goodnight to the twins as you always did. This time, as you went to knock, you couldn't decide if it was worth it. You gathered any space courage and knocked. George opened the door and let you in. You could see Fred laying in his bed, head under the pillow, covered in blankets.

"I'll leave you 2 love birds to settle this. Goodnight y/n" George spoke softly. He left the room, leaving you and Fred alone.

"Fred I'm really sorry-" "Sorry doesn't fix it y/n" he cut you off. You walked over to his bed and sat down next to him. He shifted away from you, almost falling off the other side of the bed. You sighed realizing it wasn't as simple as saying sorry.

"Fred I know what I did was wrong, but I was so fed up with that stupid kid that I acted before I could process anything. You don't have to forgive me or even look at me ever again, but that's the truth." You looked over at him. He hadn't moved at all. You hung your head and stood up to leave.

As you reached the door, he whispered "please stay." You turned around shocked. You'd never heard such a loud person no be so quiet. You moved back over to his bed and he removed the blankets and pillow from his head. He looked at you for a moment before opening his arms for you.

You gladly crawled into his arms, collapsing into him. He chuckled at your actions as he wrapped his arms around you.

"Y/n?" You simply hummed in response. "You you maybe be my girlfriend/boyfriend/significant other?" You looked up at him with wide eyes. He quickly looked away, clearly somewhat uncomfortable. You placed your head onto his chest and mumbled "only if you hold me." He chuckled once again at you.

"Only if I'm the only one you get to kiss."

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