pt | 13

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It was the first day of the mv's shooting. We were in a very big, castle like mansion. Well, the place really looked like a castle. From the breathtaking garden and a royal like fountain at the center.

The stylist unnie just did my hair and my make-up. Any minute now, the director will call me and place me wherever in this place. Maybe hang me on the chandelier.

I was wearing a gown, princess gown. My hair was styled in a royal looking.

The theme was like a girl who wanted to let the whole world know who she is, despite other people's judgement. Not being controlled what to do and what to act. Just like a girl with freedom in her hand. To let everyone know the real her behind those luxurious dress and royal family.

The director called me and started the shooting.


I was like being controlled by my parents, that I should act like what they want me to be. At first, I acted like the girl they want and followed their commands. But times past and I felt like I wanted to be free and show the real me.

So at the ball, I climbed down the stairs and all eyes were set on me. I slowly climbed down and as I made my way to the center of the ballroom and they thought I'd act like the princess everyone believed, but I acted as the real me. My parents got mad but I just smiled at them and sang,

'I'll show the real me,
Not the way you want me to be'


The director made me rest for minutes. I sighed and walked around the hall, greeting the people who also acted. They were wearing big dresses too. A camera was set on me and followed me everywhere. I just talked to the camera while staring at the paintings around.

"I was like carrying ten luggages. This dress is heavy," I complained and pouted at the camera.

"But isn't it amazing? I really looked like a princess, right?"

"You are a princess," I heard a staff said.

I giggled and stared back at the paintings. I traced my fingers on it and tapped. I went back to the set and sat on a large sofa, roaming my eyes everywhere.

The place was so big. I want to ran around and play with the staff.

The stylist and make-up artist marched towards me and did their job.

"God, Y/N. You look stunning," Hanmi, my stylist, squealed.

"Of course I am," I grinned confidently.

"Confidence overflowed, a round of applause please," Hanji, my make-up artist, sighed.

I giggled at the twins. They're my friends.

"You need confidence. It gives you positive vibes. You have to be proud on what you are and what you have. You're the only one with your beauty. Be proud of it. You're beautiful. Everyone has their own beauty so let the world see it. Show it, nothing needs to hide," I smiled and winked at the camera.

"I'll rate that ten over one," Hanmi giggled.

"Huh?" I asked confused.

"Sorry, Y/N. Don't worry, I'll shove Hanmi back to our mother's womb and let her continue the exact nine months," Hanji sighed.

"If that will happen, I will drag you with me. It's unfair if it's only me. We're sisters, remember?" Hanmi giggled.

"Not just sisters, you're twins," I chuckled.

Hanmi is very enthusiastic and bubbly, while Hanji is the opposite. She's always serious.

I just shook my head and glanced back at the camera which was fixed on me.

After a while, we continued to shoot.


We resumed the scene. I ran upstairs and God, my legs hurt. The camera was still on me as I started to slowly wiped the make-up, leaving slight. I removed the jewelries on me and removed the heavy gown.

I was on a simple shirt and climbed down the stairs. Eyes were set on me again but I smiled at them. I ran outside the mansion with a wide grin and to the outside world.

We continued to shoot. It was getting dark outside. I roamed around the busy city. I was like a bird that came out from being prisoned.


We went back to the mansion. Hanji slid me into a warm coat cause God knows how cold the night was.

"Good job, guys. We'll continue tomorrow," Director-nim announced.

I bounced happily.

Finally! Bed here I come.


Don't know what to write, so here.

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