83 | Two instead of one

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Thank you @sejalkhandelwal_ for the poster.  Is that Jake's motorbike? 

Chapter 83: Two instead of one

I've had some embarrassing moments in my life.

Though I have to admit, this is probably in my top three.

There's that time I blurted out to Luke's parents that we kissed, or when I packed honey on a camping trip with bears or the time I puked on my boyfriend...

OK, top five.

I really need to rethink my life

"Why is she not moving?" Charlotte blurted out.

I snapped out of my daydream and back in reality. I was standing outside the Dawson's window, with my phone ringing loudly in my hand. I had just been caught hiding outside their window, while they were talking privately about my family life. Now they all stared at me as I stood still.

I slowly picked up the phone. "Hi."

That sums it up nicely.

Mr Dawson's expression looked like he was about to explode in anger. I tried not to show fear on my face. The rest of his family was looking confused.

"Millie," Mrs Dawson intervened, trying to calm her husband down, "Why don't you come inside?"

I glanced at Luke, doubtfully. I'd much rather stay outside where there were witnesses.

"Uh... ok," I agreed to come in, keeping my eyes on Luke. He's like a center of gravity to me right now.

I gripped the windowsill and raised my leg over-

"What are you doing?!" Mrs Dawson panicked and calmed her voice, "Come in through the front door, Millie."

"Oh," I lowered my leg and mumbled, "Sorry, I thought it was more convenient this way..."

I didn't think it was possible to feel more embarrassed, and yet, here I was. A new low.

Without saying anything else, I walked around the flower patch. I could hear my heart thudding in my chest. Luke had opened the front door for me and was waiting for me to reach him.

I saw those dreaded balloons still hanging out at the entrance.

"Sorry," I whispered to Luke as I brushed past his body, "This is meant to be your day."

A day to celebrate his achievements. But here we were, talking about our parents' mistakes.

Luke's fingers wrapped around my wrist and pulled me into him. His parents were in the other room, but he didn't seem to care.

"It was never about me," he whispered, while his hand trailed down the back of my shirt.

"Your hand..." I whispered, blushing, "You know I can't concentrate when you..."

He smirked and stepped back. He was so hot, it created such an air of temptation around him. I tried to focus on what he just said, but I was struggling.

His blue eyes looked from me at his parents. And I finally understood: today was a party his parents threw for themselves, to showcase their son's success to their friends.

I'd like to think Mrs Dawson had the best intentions for her son. But Luke doesn't like balloons and a sheet cake. The guy doesn't like cake.

He's also wanted to keep quiet about his college acceptance from the beginning. Luke is actually private, despite all the attention around him.

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