Chapter 31: Drivers License

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Monday May 9 2022

"I think it's time." Luke says to me walking into my bedroom.

"Or it could just not be time." I say hopefully

"Love, you have to get your license." He says

"I know," I let out a loud sigh, "I just really don't want to."

"I thought you said you weren't scared anymore?" He asks coming to sit next to me.

"I'm not scared." I start, "it's just-" I start to trail off

"It's just what?" He asks

"I don't know." I did know, "Doesn't feel right for some reason." I knew the reason

"Well, you'll feel better once you have it. I promise. I'll be downstairs waiting for you." He got up and headed out the door, leaving the apartment to wait for me. I took my phone out and opened my voicemails *1 voicemail from CharChar binks* I never listened it it. I can't bring myself to listen to it. I know it sounds stupid that I can't listen to a damn voicemail after 5 months and after a year of my falling out with Charlie. I was scared he said something mean about how much he hates me or something, or worse he said something nice, because if he said something nice it will change everything. I don't want to hurt Luke, I never wanted to hurt him.

I sighed after staring at the screen for a little too long, I put it in my pocket and headed down the stairs of Sav and I's apartment complex. Time to get my drivers license.


"Alright Miss Roden, are you ready to take your drivers test?" The nice lady who worked at the DMV says getting into the passenger seat of the car.

"As ready as I can be." I answer gripping the wheel.

"Don't worry sweetie, it's an easy test to pass." She reassured me.

We drove around for a while, she told me what streets to turn on and what lanes to get into, we basically drove in one big circle until we were back at the DMV. The entire time it felt like I could feel my heart beating out of my chest.

"Congratulations Davina," she starts, it felt like a giant weight had been lifted from my shoulders, "you passed."

We went inside and I signed some papers and got my picture taken. Then they handed me a paper version of my idea letting me know that they will mail me the permanent one soon. Luke was standing in the little sitting area, he had an excited look on his face, like he was a puppy.

"You did it!" He cheers picking me up and spinning me around, placing a delicate kiss on my lips, "I knew you could, I'm so proud of you!" He set me down tucking a stray hair behind me ear. "So sense you have your license now, want to drive me to the studio to meet the boys, one of them can take me back to their place, or if it goes too late I'll just crash with Calum."

"I don't really have a choice even though you asked this like a question do I?"

"You know me so well lovely!" He smiled planting a kiss on top of my head, "no you do not, come on let's go."

I dropped Luke off at the studio and decided to continue getting over my fears I would drive around LA for a little. I kind of drove around LA mindlessly until I drove down a neighborhood and saw it, Charlie's orange Subaru, my heart sank into my stomach. "If you get your license you could drive to my house like all the time so we can hang out." Charlie's voice rang through her head.

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