Chapter 6- Ignoring

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        「 Harry 」

I bang on their door, gritting my teeth, annoyed.

Why the fuck has she been ignoring for five days?

I hear some hushed voices on the other side, making me even more annoyed at how long they're making me wait for.

Stephanie opens the door, with a sour look. Making me even more annoyed.

"You're disgusting" she sneers "first trying me, then Camila"

"I wasn't even trying you" I scoff and she gape.

"I'm so much better then her!" she screech and I clench my jaw.

"Where is Camila?" I ask lowly, knowing she's afraid.

"In her room" she shuffles out the way so I can get inside.

"Fuck off" I roll my eyes at her and walk to Camila's room, I open it without knocking, ready to scold her.

I stop in my tracks, seeing her sleeping peacefully. Cuddling with a pillow. Her hair a mess, making her look adorable.

Then who the fuck was Stephanie talking to?

I sigh, going over to her, kneeling down. Looking at her peaceful face. I brush her hair away from her face with my knuckles.

She stirs, but I press my hand on her chest to keep her from turning.

She slowly opens her eyes, she sees me. Then she closes them tightly. Acting like I'm not there and I sigh.

"Camila" I speak lowly, but she just keeps acting asleep.



"Harry" she mocks me, mimicking my dark tone and the corners of my lips raise a little.

She sits up and then I notice she doesn't have pants on. Just a huge t-shirt with her fucking panties.

She rubs her eye, sighing and I just watch her wake up a little more before I'll ask her.

"Who let you in?" she asks, in the most hottest morning voice.

"Stephanie" I roll my eyes, hatred clearly in my voice. She turns to me, still sitting looking at me with her eyes almost closed, due to the light in the room.

"Why did you ignore me?" I ask, standing up. She looks up at me since I'm towering her. I'm always towering her, she's so short.

"I-" she begins but closes her mouth before thinking. I let out a harsh sigh.


"Why me?" she asks, standing up in front of me with a scowl on her face.

"Get ready, I'm taking you out" I ignore her question and she tilts her head confused.

"Why? where?" she asks.

"Get ready, I'm taking you to dinner" I speak slowly and low.

"Don't have any nice clothes" she shrugs with a small smile on her face and I know she's lying.

I give her a look before going to her closet opening it, seeing all the dresses.

"What? since when?" she acts surprised, going to the closet, standing besides me and I roll my eyes.

"This" I grab a tight long sun dress, liking the color. Knowing anything would suit her.

She'll look amazing in anything.

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