Entry Number Forty-Six (2/19/2011)

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Dear readers,

It's 1:10. I got on at 1. Which means imma get off at 6.

Church tomorrow DX

I think my sore throat has progressed into a full-on cold. Which is odd.

'Cause I usually only get sick once a year: a cold later september. 

Hmmm... oh well. It sucks, but it's not like I can do anything about it.

I hate cold medicin after all. I refuse to take it.



Imma get off soon... So... Anyone think I should start writing mah Jason Hill story(not sure about the title)?

It'll be in third person... Not even sure about how it'll end...

Anyway, I have a bunch of ideas, and I think I might actually start writing the story out when I get off... Then I'll type it up and put it on Wattpad tomorrow or the day after...

'Cause I have writer's block with Project Chrysalis and Relax!


Pretty bad, considering I've written only two chapters of Project Chrysalis and just the intro of Relax!

Thogh I might try writing some of that when I get off before working on mah Jason Hill story.



Today's song is Beautiful by Christina Aguilera because it goes with today's picture.



Imma get off now... C ya!



I'z back on! XP 



About to start watching first episode of Durarara!!.



I know it hasn't been long, but I'm getting off now. I need sleep.

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