Chapter 57

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Soon they came to know from Madhu that the woman Manisha was one of their neighbours before, now they didn't know their whereabouts and about the man Rishi, her Nanna was still trying to recall. Almost a month passed even after they got a clue about the woman they weren't able to find any more clues. It was a Sunday, Geet and Vish were sitting in the garden discussing how to find out about Manisha when Madhu called them "Geet", Geet "Hello Maa...what are you doing" Madhu "I came to know something about Manisha ma...I came to know from my friend that she in her mother's house in Kancheepuram" Geet starts jumping around in happiness "Maa...this is great news...I love you...send me the address Maa" Madhu smiles hearing her voice "Okay Geethu I will send you the address", Geet smiles "Maa you are the best", they hang up the call. Geet goes to Vish and hugs her "Vishiiiii great news" Vish smiles at her excitement "What tell me", Geet "That woman Manisha she is staying in Kancheepuram in her mother's house" Vish also becomes happy hearing the news "That's great Geethu...let's inform him", Geet and Vish were about to call Kailash when Roshini calls them for lunch, Vish "Let's call him after lunch" Geet "Okay".

They all sit to have their lunch, Ajay "Maa I was thinking that since not too many days are left in Vish's and Geet will go shopping for the baby's cradle today" Roshini smiles "Sure children...and what about the other baby that I had asked for", Geet chokes on her water while Ajay spits the food from his mouth. Vish, Vikrant and Roshini laugh seeing them while Ajay and Geet turn a bright shade of red, Ajay looks down "Maaa", Roshini "Okay Okay don't blush my love now", they both complete their food silently and go back to their room to take some rest and then leave for the mall. After taking a small nap they both get ready and leave for the mall, Geet shows him a shop "Let's go there", Ajay holds her hand and they go to the shop, they both were selecting the cradle when the saleswoman walks upto them "Hello Ajay Sir Hello Ma'am....are you looking for a cradle for a boy or girl" Ajay "We are not sure if the baby is a boy or girl", Saleswoman "Sir then please have a look at this...I'm sure you would like this for your baby", Geet starts coughing hearing 'your baby' from the saleswoman "Uhh the baby isn't our's Ajay's brother's baby" Saleswoman smiles "Ohh sorry Ma'am sorry Sir...I thought you are going to have a baby", Geet  and Ajay blush "Nooo", they soon select the cradle for the baby.

Geet was looking at the baby clothes kept in the shop while Ajay was paying for the cradle, he pays them and gives them the address for delivery and goes to Geet who was looking at the baby clothes. Ajay "What are you looking at wife", Geet "Babies are so cute right and their clothes are also so small and tiny", Ajay smiles looking at her, he was standing right behind her and whispers in her ears "Sooo wife do you want to have babies...I don't mind...Maa was asking and so was the saleswoman soooo", she gulps feeling him close to her, she was completely flushed hearing him. She turns around to face him only to find their faces inches away from each other "Aj...Ajay w..we a..aa..are in a", Ajay steps forward towering over her, he looks at her teasingly "Shhh...I know but tell me love if you want babies then we can start the process", she blushes turning deep shade of pink and pushes Ajay off and goes out of the shop while he follows her.

Geet enters into another shop and Ajay follows her, she sends him to search for something while she was also searching for something Roshini had asked her, while searching she bumps into someone when she looks up she finds Kailash "Heyyy Kailash", "Hey Geet", "Kailash Kanna (Child)", "Dad", Aakash was surprised seeing Geet, she smiles looking at him "Hello uncle", He hesitantly smiles "Hello ma", Geet turns to Kailash "I got new information...that woman Manisha is in Kancheepuram in her mother's house", Kailash becomes happy "That's great", Aakash looks at them both confused "What Manisha...what are you both talking about", Geet smiles "uniting you with the family" Aakash looks at them shocked " I already told Kailash not to try anything...why are you also doing this ma...I cannot face Roshini, Ajay and Vikrant" Geet smiles and takes his hand in hers "Uncle...after everything that Kailash told me and Vish we cannot believe that you can ever cheat on Maa...not even if you were we are trying to find the truth...don't worry uncle we will find out soon and I will make Ajay understand...and soon you will be with Maa", Kailash smiles looking at his dad and side hugs him "See dad I told you na they will understand", Geet also smiles "Don't think too much uncle...I will make sure to unite you with the family", Aakash was feeling emotional, he caresses her head "I'm blessed to have you children...I'm happy that Ajay has you Geethanjali", Geet smiles "Okay I'll see you soon...Ajay would be waiting I have to go", Kailash and Aakash wave to her.

She goes to the billing section after getting everything, she searches for Ajay but he was nowhere to be found, after billing everything she goes out of the shop and calls him, he attends the call, before she could say something he just says "Come to the parking" and cuts the call, she feels his voice being distant but then she thinks maybe some work came up that's why he is tensed. She goes to the parking lot and sits in the car, he doesn't even glance at her as she climbs in, he just starts the car as soon as she gets in and starts driving, she tries talking to him but there was no response from him, he was just looking ahead with no emotion in his eyes, and the speed with he was driving was also scaring her, "Ajay please slow are scaring me", he still doesn't slow down, she squeezes his arm "Please Jaan...slow down...please", he slows down a bit, then only she was able to relax a bit. She was not sure why he was behaving like this, she tries asking him "Ajay what happened...Ajay... to me", he doesn't answer just keeps looking ahead driving.

As soon as they reached home, he holds her hand and directly takes her to their room and locked the door and he turns to her, his eyes burning red with rage "Why Geet...why are messing with things that aren't needed" Geet was confused "What are you talking about", Ajay looks at her questioningly "I saw you talking to that man...and Kailash is that man's knew didn't you tell me Geet", Geet looks at him "Ajay please listen to me...Kailash is his son but...", Ajay's anger reaches its peak "Why did he even join in my office...what he thought he will come and join this family and that man can claim his way" Geet goes near him and tries calming him down "Ajay please listen...", But he was not at all ready to listen, he holds her tightly by her shoulder "and could you could you even think of helping them...didn't I tell you Geethanjali how much he has hurt Maa don't even think of bringing him back in this family", she winces as he holds her tightly, she tries making him understand "Ja...jaan but he isn't at fault...he is innocent... please lis..." He interrupts her roaring "What do you even know about this family...haan...he betrayed Maa and you are saying that man is innocent...even after seeing his other Geethanjali...let me make one thing clear don't even try to do anything that would hurt my Maa even the slightest...and don't try to interfere in the matters of my family". She knew it was his anger doing the talking but she was hurt by his words, her eyes brim with tears, she looks at him eyes glistening with tears "Is it not my family also and is Maa not my Maa also". Ajay's heart pricks seeing her tears but at the moment his anger was overpowering all the other emotions in him, when he had found what she had sent him for he went back to her but seeing her smiling and talking with Aakash and hearing her telling him that she will unite him the family caused his anger to flare and then coming to know that Kailash is his son was something he had not expected, Kailash had been working in the office for almost 4 years now and till now he didn't know that Kailash is his Father's son, more than anything Geet laughing and smiling with them irked him to such an extent that he was not able to stand there see her talking to him, he just left from the shop and went to the parking lot. He looks at her, his eyes red with anger "you are not doing anything which in favour of this family or let me make myself clear again..don't do anything to hurt my Maa or my family", he leaves her and goes out of the room, tears slide down from her eyes thinking about his words, doesn't he consider me his family🥺 this not my family...I know it's his anger but still, she wipes her tears, no crying have a work to unite this matter what happens I won't stop myself from doing that...and I won't hurt this family I promise...they will again be a happy family like before.

That's all for now guys.
Hope you all like it❤️
Happy Reading 💙
Yours lovingly

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